ISSN (022/023)

ISSN (022/023)

Field 022 contains the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), a unique identification number assigned to each continuing resource title by centers of the International Standard Serial Number Network. ISSN for Canadian serials are assigned or authenticated by ISSN Canada. ISSN for U.S. continuing resources are assigned or authenticated by ISSN catalogers at the Library of Congress in the ISSN Publisher Liaison Section (ISSN PL) and other cataloging sections. (CEG: 01X-009)

Field 022 in not repeatable according to CONSER practice.

If two or more numbers are found, however, the lower number should be input in subfield $a and the other(s) in subfield $y. Adjustments will be made by the appropriate ISSN center upon authentication.

The status of the ISSN (whether assigned or authenticated by the Library of Congress, has been canceled or assigned in error) determines how the ISSN is recorded in the MARC record.  

Valid ISSN. A valid or authenticated ISSN is valid for the continuing resource is/will in subfield $a.

022 0# $a 0376-4583

Incorrect ISSN. The ISSN associated with the resource is determined to be an error.

022 0# 0046-225X $y 0046-2254

Cancelled ISSN. This subfield is limited to a valid number that can pass the check digit routine, but is retired from use because it was erroneously assigned by an authorized agency (e.g., a duplicate assignment).

022 0# 0145-0808 $z 0361-7106

If only an incorrect or cancelled ISSN is known, only subfield $y or $z is used. Including the incorrect and cancelled numbers in the record allows indexes to be built on the valid, incorrect, and cancelled numbers. (CEG: 01X-09X)

022 ## $z 0027-3473

ISSN linked to Different Versions. The ISSN links together various media versions of a continuing resource. ISSN-L may be generated for display. (The utilization of a MARC field 023 for recording Cluster/linking ISSN (L and H) independently of the ISSN is pending) 

022 0# $a 1234-1231 $l 1234-1231

023 0# $a 1234-1231 (For ISSN-H use 023 1# $a 1234-1231 with incorrect L and H recorded in 023, subfield y)

A Canceled ISSN-L that has been associated with the resource is contained in a separate subfield $m.

022 0# $a 1560-1560 $l 1234-1231 $m 1560-1560


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