Transcribing Captions and Numbering
Treat the numbering appearing in the 362 1#, 588 fields, and other fields where issue designation is recorded as transcribed data. Record the captions and numbering as they appear on the piece following the guidelines in RDA 1.7 and RDA 1.8, staying consistent with established capitalization conventions (CCM:8.4.1)
⮚Form of Numbering. PCC catalogers currently have the option to record the numbering as it appears or substitute Arabic forms for other numeric systems.
Issue has: volume XVI, number 1:
Record as: 362 1# $a Began with: Volume 16, number 1.
⮚Convert words to Numbers. CONSER practice is to convert numbers expressed in words into numbers. (CCM: 8.4.2)
Issue has: First Issue February 1991.
Record as: 362 1# $a 1st (February 1991)
When the numbering is presented as a year and a number that is a division of the year, record the year first, then the number.
The issue has 1:2000.
Record: 362 1# $a Began with: 2000/1.
⮚Punctuation (commas, Slashes and Hyphens). Generally, separate volume numbers and internal numbers with a comma (CONSER practice). Other modifications in punctuation are made in transcribing the numbering as it appears on the issue, for example, transcribing compound years and double issues. Substituting a slash for the hyphen that is commonly found on such issues will produce a more intelligible designation, particularly once it is closed off.
Issue has: 1989-1990; last: 2001-2002
Record: 362 1# $a Began with: 1989/1990; ceased with: 2001/2002.
Inclusive dates are recorded in full whether presented as full or not (RDA 1.8.4). Substitute a hyphen with a slash in this situation also if it helps to clarify the numbering (RDA
Issue has: 1961-62
Record: 362 1# $a Began with:1961/1962.
When both a numeric and a chronological designation are present, give the chronological, designation in parentheses following the numeric designation
362 1# $a Began with: Volume 2, number 1 (September 1990).