Special Situations Recording Numbering

Special Situations Recording Numbering

The first issue lacks numbering. When the first issue lacks numbering (including a publishing date or a copyright date that could be used to supply a chronological designation), supply a designation following the form of numbering on subsequent issues when that is known as per RDA (CCM:8.5.1)

When no number or date on first issue; other issue has: Jahrg. 1, Heft 2 März 1989.  Record as:

362 1# $a Began with: [Jahrg. 1, Heft 1 (Februar 1989)].

515 ## $a Numbering begins with Jahrg. 1, Heft 2 (März 1989).

Inaccuracies. If a number or date that is to be recorded as part of the designation is known to be incorrect, record the incorrect form and explain the error in the Numbering Peculiarities note (515).

362 1# $a Began with: Volume 3, no. 4; ceased with volume 15, no. 2.

515 ## $a Issues for volumes 5-6 incorrectly called v. 4-5.

Premier or introductory issues. If the first issue is called "premier issue" or another term designating "first," use the term in the designation only when there is no other numerical or chronological designation that can be used.