Preferred Web Browsers
Alma works best in the following browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
If you use Microsoft Edge or Safari on Mac OS for Alma, please be aware that it may not be covered well by our support for troubleshooting.
Alma is not supported in Internet Explorer.
Bookmark the Alma Homepage
1. Visit the URL and log in
The Alma homepage is open. You'll notice that the URL in the browser address bar has changed to something like;
2. Bookmark the page (Ctrl+D)
Recommendation: For easy access, place it in your browser's Bookmarks bar/Bookmarks Toolbar
3. Edit the URL/Location of the bookmarked page, replace it with the stable URL
This can be accessed in multiple ways, depending on your browser -
Create a desktop shortcut for Alma
Alternatively, you can create a desktop shortcut to the Alma homepage.
- Right-click your desktop
- New > Shortcut
- Type the location of the item:
- Next
- Type a name for this shortcut: Alma
- Finish
Depending on your default web browser, a desktop shortcut to the Alma homepage will appear.
Best Practices
Only have Alma open in one tab or window in a browser. This is a recommendation from Ex Libris.
If your workflow would truly be easier with Alma in two windows, we recommend using a second browser for the second session. Even then, we recommend using one browser for active work and the second for view-only or simple work (e.g., using the second browser to just Scan In barcodes).
Do not refresh the browser unless absolutely necessary. If you refresh a page, you may lose search results/re-run a search, lose fields you've already entered, or go back to a previous page. Searches should be re-run to refresh results, and some monitoring pages have a Refresh option in the header section or at the top of the monitoring list.
Ex Libris Knowledge Center > Browser and OS Requirements