ERM Workflow: Creating a Local Electronic Portfolio
ERM Workflow: Creating a Local Electronic Portfolio
Resource format: E-Book, E-Serial, Streaming Video
Access model: Subscription access, perpetual (owned), or open access
Scenario: If you need to order/activate an individual electronic resource, but there is no matching record in the Alma Community Zone (CZ), you will need to create a local electronic portfolio to complete the order/activation process.
Required Alma roles: Electronic Inventory Operator; Purchasing Operator
Ex Libris documentation on this process can be found HERE.
Alma Glossary can be found HERE.
- Resource request is received (with funding information if a paid resource).
- Search in both the IZ and CZ to confirm that no matching portfolio currently exists for the resource:
- Search by Electronic Title and if a match is found, expand the portfolio list.
- If the title is found but not in a correct collection, copy the MMS ID of the title-level record for use in Step 5.
- Determine whether the title fits into an existing active electronic collection:
- Search by Electronic Collection.
- If a correct collection match can be identified, check if the collection is active in the IZ.
- If a matching active collection has been found:
- Copy the exact name of the collection for use in Step 5.
- Go to the collection in the IZ and check the linking information on a few other portfolios to determine parser parameter format; it may not be a straightforward URL.
- Click "Resources" and then "Add Local Portfolio" in the Alma menu on the left side of the screen:
- Complete the form (See this table for fuller information.)
- For Creation Type, select "Use existing title" if a title match was found in Step 2; otherwise, select "Create new title."
- For Record Type, select "One Time" for monographs or "Continuing" for serials. This is bibliographic information, not order/payment information. Not applicable when you use an existing title; in this case the information will be taken from the CZ bib record.
- For serials, always include coverage information.
- As linking information, use either Parser Parameters following format found in Step 3c (preferred if applicable) or a URL.
- For paid resources not in a collection, make sure that "Proxy enabled" is checked Yes; it is not necessary to specify a proxy service. Free resources do not require the proxy, and portfolios within a collection will inherit the proxy setting already set at the collection level.
- Click "Save and Done" in the upper-right menu.
- The newly created local portfolio should appear with a blue house icon indicating that it is active but not linked to the CZ. Access may be tested by selecting Test Access from the overflow menu.
- In cases where "Create new title" was used in Step 5A, the bib record must be referred to cataloging for review.
- The title may be ordered following the normal procedure; start by clicking the Order button on the portfolio record.
ORDERING PROCESS (if applicable)
- Create the PO Line:
- Select "PO line type"
- Select "PO line owner"
- "Technical Services"
- Click "Create PO line"
- Complete PO line details:
- Select "Material Supplier" (who is being paid)
- Complete "Access provider" (who is supplying access) if it is different from the Material Supplier
- Complete the "List price" field
- Complete the "Quantity for pricing" field
- Add fund code information
- Select "Reporting code" field: Choose appropriate field
- Select "Material Supplier" (who is being paid)
- Click "Order now"
- A confirmation message will appear with the POL (PO Line) number. Click "Confirm"
- The PO Line status will now show as "Sent"
- The resource is now ready to be activated:
- Click "Resources" in the left-side menu and locate "Manage Electronic Resource Activation" under the "Manage Inventory" heading
- Search for the resource by "title" on the "Unassigned" tab:
- Assign the activation task to the appropriate personnel
- Go to "task list" and "assign":
- Designated personnel who see that the activation has been assigned to them: Test the link, verify full-text access, and review the bib record.
- If the link and access are working and the bib record is good, activate the resource.
- If the link is not working or full text access is denied, check for possible errors/omissions in the portfolio.
- If bib record is brief or incorrect in some way, enhance or replace before activation. Options:
- For minor changes, the bib record may be edited directly in the MDE (possible only for locally-created records or those unlinked from the CZ via "copy to catalog").
- If a better record exists in OCLC, see Cataloging Workflows: Import OCLC Records Into Alma. Be sure to run any applicable normalization rules in the MDE before saving & releasing record (for ebooks: "General EBOOK edits" rule).
- Resources are discoverable to patrons.
- Blacklight WORKFLOW
- Job to run every 6 hours to update
- Once an order line is added, it will appear in Blacklight as "unavailable" until it is activated, then it will be "available"
- Blacklight WORKFLOW
INVOICING PROCESS (if applicable)
- Request and invoice from vendor with PO included on the invoice
- Receive the invoice from vendor
- Submit the invoice for payment
- Finance payment WORKFLOW
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