Date of Production, 558 & Additional Form Notes (362, 588, 776)
⮚Designation/Description based on note (362/588)
When cloning a PCC record or transcribing a catalog card, give the designation of the first and/or last issue(s) (MARC field 362) as it appears on the record for the hard copy. If the scope of the microform reproduction is greater than that covered by the hard copy record, consider making changes to the hard copy record.
When cataloging originally, record the numerical/chronological designation of the first and/or last issue in an unformatted 362 field whenever the information is available, whether or not the reproduced first and last issue are actually in hand. If the cover and other preliminaries have been removed from the first/earliest issue, take the designation from anywhere in the issue. If not found elsewhere, record the designation from the volume title page, when available.
When the scope of issues expressed by the hard copy record is greater than that covered by the microform, the information should be included/retained in the record for the microform.
For a reproduction microfilm record based mostly on a print record, but with later reproduced issues in hand that were also consulted when creating the new record:
588 ## $a Description based on Library of Congress microfilm record.
588 ## $a Description based primarily on print version record.
588 0# $a Reproduction of original print version of Vol. 12, no. 32; title from masthead.
588 1# $a Reproduction of original print version of numéro 218 (27 novembre au 03 décembre 1995).
⮚Additional Form Entry (776)
The Association of Research Libraries’ Guidelines for Bibliographic Records for Preservation Microform Masters requires that links must be made between records for print serials and microfilm reproductions of those serials when a record represents a preservation master.
776 08 $i Print version: $t Appleton's booklovers magazine $w (DLC)sf 88092263
776 08 $i Reproduction of (manifestation): $t Appleton's booklovers magazine $w (DLC)sf 8809226
776 1# $c Original $w (OCoLC)4576835 (Did not use: This expression is found on older records but is no longer compliant with RDA).