Electronic Location & Access (856)

Electronic Location & Access (856)

MARC field 856 is used to record information needed to locate and access an electronic resource. The first indicator value identifies the access method (e.g., HTTP, FTP, email). The second indicator identifies the relationship between the resource that the bibliographic record represents and the electronic resource at the web location or identifier in the 856 field. Information in the field should be sufficient to connect to a service, transfer files electronically, subscribe, or access issues of an electronic journal or newsletter. (CCM:31.14.1

The PCC Provider Neutral E-Resource (September 30, 2024) document instructs to use subfield $7 code “0” (zero) to indicate that the electronic resource associated with the URL in $u is open access if this information is known and the URL leads to the complete full text of the resource described by the record. (PNRSeptember302024)

856 40 $u http://jefferson.village.virginia.EDU/pmc/contents.all.html  $7 0   

On the record for a print or other format serial when there is an online manifestation, regardless of whether the online manifestation is separately cataloged or not. Use second indicator “1.”

856 41 $u http:// ...   $7 0

On the record for a print (or other format) serial to cite the location of partial contents or related information, such as summaries, abstracts, tables of contents, or subscription information. Subfield $3 should be used to note the part that is online. Use second indicator “1” whenever the URI points to any part of the electronic manifestation.

856 41 $3 Summaries and index $u http:// ...

If the contents of the serial are split among multiple sites (whether for multiple providers or for several locations at one provider site), subfield $3 is used to cite issues found at a particular location.

856 40 $3 Current issues available from the Publications Page of the ASA Web site $u http://www.asanet.org/pubs/pubs.html

For related resources that do not represent the serial cataloged, its online manifestation, or a part of the serial. Common examples would be an organizational home page or publisher's website. If an organizational home page contained a 10-year index to a journal or the tables of contents of several titles, this would be a related website. Use second indicator “2.”

856 42 $z Home page of the Health Physics Society: $u http://www.health-physics.com