Core and Core if Elements of the CONSER Standard Record

Core and Core if Elements of the CONSER Standard Record

The CSR will consist of certain elements designated by CONSER, PCC or RDA as “core” or mandatory if applicable and known or ascertainable. Other elements are core if or mandatory only if known and certain other conditions are present.  For example, the Variant title is mandatory as an addition access point for the presence of a Parallel title. A serial bibliographic record must contain all applicable core and core if elements to be considered a CSR. Optional elements may be described in the CSR at the discretion or judgment of the serial cataloger.    

Core, or Mandatory Elements:

Title Proper (245, subfield a, n, p)

Parallel Title (245, subfield b/246)

Publication Information (264)

Frequency (310/321)

Content, Media, Carrier Type (336-338)

Date of Publication (362)

Description Based On and Latest Issue consulted notes (588)

Preceding and Succeeding Title Information (780/785)

ISSN (022/023)

Language (041/546)

Edition Statement (250)

Certain Fixed-Length Data Elements

Core if Elements:

Main Entry (110)

Preferred Title (130/240)

Other Title Information (246, subfield b)

Statement of Responsibility (246, subfield c)

Variant Title (246)

Physical Extent (300)

5xx Notes

Added Entries (710)

Linking Fields (770,772,776)

Holdings (856)