Training videos
Updated 2019
Training Videos based on Library of Congress tools
(From the LD4P/Sinopia github)
Sinopia is an implementation of the Library of Congress BIBFRAME Editor and Profile Editor. The Library of Congress prepared these training videos based on those tools. Most is directly applicable to Sinopia. Further training is in development to cover the aspects of Sinopia that are new or changed.
The video links will launch in a WebEx player.
History of BIBFRAME: A conversation between Judith Cannan and Sally McCallum. Video in process |Â Transcript
LC BIBFRAME Profile Editor: Overview and Orientation. Video | Transcript
LC BIBFRAME Profile Editor: Where to Begin? Video | Transcript
LC BIBFRAME Profile Editor: Live Webinar with PCC Cohort Members.
LC BIBFRAME Editor: Describing Resources: Demonstration Video | Transcript
Linked Data and the Semantic Web: Overview for PCC Cohort Institutions Video | Transcript