EAL Rare Books
Updated 2018
This space contains documentation on rare book cataloging procedures at Princeton's East Asian Library. Documentation covers the following topics:
Chinese rare book practice
- Chinese rare books cataloging guidelines-2018 revision.pdf
- Chinese rare books 500 field local note examples
- Chinese rare books 866 field notes examples
Japanese rare book practice
Chinese rare books 500 field local notes examples
Compiled by Thomas Ventimiglia and Yangyang Zeng, 08/20/2018
Voyager ID | Notes in 500 field | Used for |
1831770 | 洋裝(原四册). | binding 裝訂 |
1844211 | 3 volumes bound in 1, in case. | binding 裝訂 |
3093772 | 本書裝訂時誤將劉辰翁序及劉儲秀跋插在張鯤序中. | binding 裝訂 |
3874126 | 金鑲玉裝. | binding 裝訂 |
3979613 | 本書以清初刊本(包括《禦制詩集》)散葉為襯紙. | binding 裝訂 |
4100468 | 册1-3, 書高26.5公分; 册4-23, 書高30.5公分. | binding 裝訂 |
9033120 | In hard cover. | binding 裝訂 |
3092122 | Call number : D33/210x ; previous call number : TD33/210x | call number 索書號 |
3849139 | 原索書號為C291/3768-3769, 現把C291/3769包括在C291/3768中. | call number 索書號 |
3861842 | In 2 cases. case 1: 痘疹世醫心法, TC86/3891a vol.1-8; case 2: 痘疹格致要論, TC86/3891b vol.1-8. | call number 索書號 |
3988485 | 曾誤入TC513/2200x case 61, 2015年2月2日改正; call number change from TC513/2192. | call number 索書號 |
3991657 | Call number changed from TC513/2194 on Jan. 26, 2015. | call number 索書號 |
4002550 | Library's copy imperfect: 僅存卷下.Call number changed from TC513/2186. | call number 索書號 |
4117308 | TB367/81x: from the collection of Cobly (no.14) with 40 vols. | call number 索書號 |
4127048 | Library has another copy (4681/7213). | call number 索書號 |
4137012 | Call number changed from B12/2112. | call number 索書號 |
4285134 | In case [062]. Call number changed from TC513/2191. | call number 索書號 |
4634005 | 第33-34冊 in case with: 周澂之評註醫書(C65/3321a). | call number 索書號 |
4834848 | 本舘B22/1442b《三編》為乾隆11年(1746)刻本. | call number 索書號 |
9033120 | 附英文介紹一頁: "12th Century Chinese printing from the Sung Tripitaka, three and a half centuries before Gutenberg...block book printed by the Fuchow officials, in honor of the birthday of the Emperor Hwei-tsung, in January of the first year of his reign (1101 A.D.)". | call number 索書號 |
9054725 | 此編目記錄號曾使用NJPX95-B4393,曾列在OCLC122866835的holding中. | call number 索書號 |
9602022 | Gest collection. Origional call number: B342/997. | call number 索書號 |
9675911 | 本書曾用索書號TC223/4085; In case with: 藍田叔仿梅道人山水卷, 索書號TC223/1946. | call number 索書號 |
10464780 | Call number also marked as (M-130) on case. | call number 索書號 |
10579353 | In wooden box, purchased around 1925. Call number on box: B347/Gest 2120/030ge Box 1(8). | call number 索書號 |
10689464 | 書内1-8冊鉛筆所寫書號分別為: B347 Cat. No 2183 a-h. | call number 索書號 |
3905784 | 與《養生月覽》及《三元延壽參贊書》同函. | case 函 |
3979138 | In 2 cases. 册7-8與《新刻釋名》, 《新刊爾雅》合函. | case 函 |
3979697 | In 2 cases. | case 函 |
4093351 | In 2 cases with "Zheng meng". | case 函 |
4094179 | In 2 cases with 《丹溪先生心法》, 《金匱鈎玄》等. | case 函 |
4117308 | TB367/81: in 2 cases. | case 函 |
4133649 | In case with six other titles. | case 函 |
4135430 | 册1-5與《考古圖》合函, 册24-28與《古玉圖》合函. | case 函 |
4135604 | 第七册與《博古圖》合函. | case 函 |
4283419 | Additional copies of volumes of this edition are contained in case 046. | case 函 |
4655378 | In 3 cases ; case 3 with 《夷門廣牘》. | case 函 |
4680287 | In 16 cases. Library has another copy (N9608/6105.29) | case 函 |
5419389 | In case. 曾誤與TC513/2201x (1)(原TC513/2192)換位; 2015年2月2日置囘于此. | case 函 |
7114630 | Vol. 45 in case. | case 函 |
9929333 | In case with notes cited from letter of Glen Dawson, Oct. 16, 1936. | case 函 |
10579353 | In wooden box, purchased around 1925. Call number on box: B347/Gest 2120/030ge Box 1(8). | case 函 |
3092996 | 清何焯校并題識. | comments 批校題跋 |
3094245 | 有嘉慶五年(1800)英和題記. | comments 批校題跋 |
3094245 | 有胡適題識一條. | comments 批校題跋 |
3893218 | 嘉慶九年(1804)馬銓手書識語. | comments 批校題跋 |
3913452 | 佚名朱筆圈點, 墨筆眉評. | comments 批校題跋 |
3918200 | 《續筆談》有墨筆圈黠. | comments 批校題跋 |
3977587 | 有楊景臣庚申年題記. | comments 批校題跋 |
3977591 | 眉上有嘉慶間"右溪"朱筆批校. | comments 批校題跋 |
3979536 | 佚名朱墨筆圈點及眉批. | comments 批校題跋 |
3979835 | 有己未(1919年)胡仁壽題識. | comments 批校題跋 |
4003092 | 佚名朱筆批校及丙子(1816年)[多紀]元胤墨筆識語. | comments 批校題跋 |
4004877 | 吳志忠圈點, 批校, 并題記. 王懿荣題記. | comments 批校題跋 |
4007221 | 有光緖庚子(26年, 1900)楊守敬題記及校補. | comments 批校題跋 |
4007662 | 有甘鵬雲朱書題記并鈐"潛江甘鵬雲藥樵收藏書籍章"印. | comments 批校題跋 |
4046884 | [民國]己未(8年, 1919)耐公(甘氏)題識. | comments 批校題跋 |
4079410 | 光緖庚寅(16年, 1890)吳重熹題識及"吳重熹印"等印記. | comments 批校題跋 |
4093234 | 光緖十一年黄彭年手記. | comments 批校題跋 |
4093333 | 甘鵬雲手書題記. | comments 批校題跋 |
4109458 | 卷前有乾隆六十年雲坡"識語", 考辨其作偽情况, "識語"後有"胡季堂印", "大司寇章", 雲坡即胡季堂. | comments 批校題跋 |
4109704 | 卷十三第三十七葉有乾隆辛酉年太倉王青識語. | comments 批校題跋 |
4655378 | 有甘鵬雲手鈔目錄及題識, 並鈐有"潛江甘氏崇雅堂藏書"印記. | comments 批校題跋 |
10093001 | 書前有辛酉(1921)耐公(甘鵬雲)購藏題記. | comments 批校題跋 |
3085128 | Library's set contains only nineteen works. | incomplete 存缺 |
3093716 | Library's copy imperfect: the first and last leaves hand written. | incomplete 存缺 |
3096280 | 疑抄本殘缺一冊, 即卷四十三至卷四十五. | incomplete 存缺 |
3845879 | Library's copy imperfect: 《新鈔》缺卷七至八, 《藏〓集》缺卷二至五, 九至十一, 《結隣集》缺卷一至五, 卷十一至十六. | incomplete 存缺 |
3848649 | Library's copy imperfect: 《醫旨緖餘》 only. | incomplete 存缺 |
3858261 | Library's copy imperfect: some pages of juan 18 missing. | incomplete 存缺 |
3859447 | 僅存卷一萬四千九百四十九, 即"六暮"韻, 為"婦"字, 又卷二萬三百七十三(原"三"字被後人改作"五", 卷端, 卷尾及版心誤題為"二萬五百七十三"), 即"二質"韻, 為"積"字. 前者為十三葉, 後者為十九葉. | incomplete 存缺 |
3913333 | Library's copy imperfect: some pages of preface wanting. | incomplete 存缺 |
3977618 | 本書冊次、函次號相連,但内容有殘缺. | incomplete 存缺 |
3980137 | 缺《韓集點勘》四卷. | incomplete 存缺 |
4006530 | Library's copy imperfect: missing text and some pages replaced by another edition. | incomplete 存缺 |
4031361 | Library's copy imperfect: some pages in manuscript. | incomplete 存缺 |
4056146 | 本館藏本存三十六種. | incomplete 存缺 |
4076246 | Library's copy imperfect: preface in photocopy. | incomplete 存缺 |
4092583 | Library's copy imperfect: 孫子集注存序及傳,缺正文一卷; 兵鏡備考卷1-2,11-12手抄配補, 卷13缺. | incomplete 存缺 |
4093340 | Library's copy imperfect: pian 1-2 only. | incomplete 存缺 |
4131552 | Library's copy imperfect: 缺《太平寰宇記補闕》卷八. | incomplete 存缺 |
4132937 | Library's copy imperfect: 存十二卷, 卷尾多經裁割, 目錄第十二卷後亦被剜補. | incomplete 存缺 |
4136008 | Library's copy imperfect: missing 23-39 juan. | incomplete 存缺 |
4140205 | Library's copy imperfect: juan 13, 14, 22-30 only. | incomplete 存缺 |
4140857 | Library's copy imperfect: juan 1 wanting. | incomplete 存缺 |
4283312 | 僅存卷1-5, 11, 16-17, 19-20, 26-30, 31-35, 41-43, 51-55, 66-73, 75-76, 81, 共39卷. | incomplete 存缺 |
4633242 | 原本七十種, 此帙存二十三種. | incomplete 存缺 |
4761010 | 與《中國古籍總目》子目核對,本舘缺: 詩經小學,說文解字注,六書音韻表. | incomplete 存缺 |
5182235 | Cotsen copy: 本書殘存一冊,標號為“禮”. 外封面左上角墨筆手書"禮"字. | incomplete 存缺 |
5324348 | 此套書缺一種(《御製詩文十全集》五十四卷), 存一三七種. | incomplete 存缺 |
3861609 | Origional Gillis call number TC513/66/.dcde; shelved with: DS797.28.D864P85. | notes for collection 專門收藏 |
3861979 | TD63/884x: Colby coll. no. 8, 10 vols. | notes for collection 專門收藏 |
3979697 | 館藏有另一部: Cobly no. 5. | notes for collection 專門收藏 |
9053509 | Original Gest Oriental Library collection. | notes for collection 專門收藏 |
3092584 | Microfilm service copy available. | notes for more copies 復本 |
3093565 | 與館藏《春秋左傳》(TA101/312)墨印版同, 朱印版不同. | notes for more copies 復本 |
3990069 | 與NJPX92-B2550館藏《六書正譌》(TA161/252)同板. | notes for more copies 復本 |
4092715 | 舘内有另一复本, 按零種著錄. | notes for more copies 復本 |
4107771 | 館藏兩部: D33/2032, 及D33/2032x. | notes for more copies 復本 |
4109042 | Library has three copies: D68/801, D68/888 and D68/888x (Colby coll. no. 33). | notes for more copies 復本 |
4109218 | 與館藏《讀史漫錄》(TB367/736)同版, 但個别版葉不同, 如卷七第二十一葉. | notes for more copies 復本 |
4283409 | 本館有另一部同版, 但扉畫後牌記無"萬曆丁酉重刊", 該帙亦有王禮題記. | notes for more copies 復本 |
4586978 | 又一部,Copy 2, 卷一卷端有"陳氏元明"印記. | notes for more copies 復本 |
4593677 | 卷八兩個異版. | notes for more copies 復本 |
4650020 | 與CHHR99-B240同版. 本館藏書卷端校訂者剜掉. | notes for more copies 復本 |
7209698 | 本館藏有部分《清綺軒詞選》木版. | notes for more copies 復本 |
9053233 | Library has two other copies: TC328/1241b (10 v) and TC328/2061, (16v). | notes for more copies 復本 |
9244072 | 與館藏TC348/116版本不同. 此版模糊,似稍早;與N9101/1715 vol.2319-2320版本不同.該本目錄前一葉題: "明潭陽余應灝元素氏訂梓". 建陽余應灝在明末清初刻書,或許該本為清初所刻. | notes for more copies 復本 |
1706120 | 外封面有藏書者手書題記.印記模糊. | seal 印記 |
3861928 | "廣運之寳", "錢氏家藏"印記. 據屈萬里攷證, "廣運之寳"為偽印. | seal 印記 |
3925115 | 鈐"乾隆御覽之寳", "古羊劉氏惟吉", "中憲大夫"印記. | seal 印記 |
4010574 | 鈐"王士貞印"等印. 偽. | seal 印記 |
4093817 | "此書任各省直書坊重印"朱印. "娛生軒藏書印"印記. | seal 印記 |
4133113 | 扉頁有墨筆"己巳秋三日龍安化樞記", 并鈐"化樞之印" 及 "申郭原"印. | seal 印記 |
5182235 | Cotsen copy: 文内朱筆圈點. 内封面背面: "耿氏家藏"紅色章印. | seal 印記 |
7044622 | 木夾外簽條上有"葛思德華文藏書庫珍藏之印". | seal 印記 |
1812488 | Hand writing on cover page 4: "Property of Mrs. J. S. Niles". | special notes 特殊附註 |
2131041 | A note inside the book states: "A Ch'ing print from Ming block". | special notes 特殊附註 |
3068206 | 附錄共3件. 第1為I.V. Gillis等製表1冊,有胡适、屈萬里等手記, 34 cm;第2件依照《影印宋磧砂版大藏經目錄》與館藏子目核對,1冊, 有屈萬里1965年手記, 29 cm; 第3件館藏有圖及年代記錄, 在文件夾中, 14頁, 30 cm. | special notes 特殊附註 |
3082412 | 紀念童志綱先生基金購入此書. | special notes 特殊附註 |
3849073 | "卷内有'翰林院印'滿漢文大方印,乃四庫全書總目醫家類存目著錄之底本也. 據存目,知此本為天一閣故物"--本舘《中文善本書志》/ 屈萬里. p.247. | special notes 特殊附註 |
3859479 | 有"翰林院印"滿漢文大印(疑偽). 屈萬里先生以為是書曾為四庫厎本. | special notes 特殊附註 |
3871885 | 前有佚名抄錄"四庫提要". | special notes 特殊附註 |
3877353 | 有朱筆圈點及墨筆評註, 書衣有字清甫, 號淵潛子者墨蹟. | special notes 特殊附註 |
3881146 | 京都首葉第一行下有墨筆書寫"彌勒院量周記". | special notes 特殊附註 |
3913565 | "後序"後有墨筆書"甲子年棱伽山民觀". | special notes 特殊附註 |
3979681 | Table of contents in manuscript. | special notes 特殊附註 |
4007221 | 此帙為四庫全書之底本, 卷首鈐"翰林院印"滿漢文印. | special notes 特殊附註 |
4030172 | 書前附胡適攷訂文一冊. | special notes 特殊附註 |
4055535 | 卷末有墨筆題字"都察院右副都御史臣顧源欽奉", 并鈐"右御史中丞", "賜進士階正奉大夫正治卿副都御史長洲思菴顧源印"二印記. | special notes 特殊附註 |
4096154 | 翻刻底本原缺卷八十一, 卷八十九, 卷九十二. | special notes 特殊附註 |
4107724 | 此帙配道光十年(1830)彭年刻本. | special notes 特殊附註 |
4146150 | 據Gillis目錄lot X-456, Gest No 2431: "Bound in 6 t'ao 42 ts'e (7 each)",可知原裝為6函42冊,每函7冊. 此條目旁有一附註: "Lost for many years. 6/18/96, Found to be HY5758/1384; Will change back to TC368/2431". 據Gest卡片目錄(66-3-21),在1966年有金瓶梅7冊,索書號為5758/1384,1990年CHRB編目記錄NJPX90-B5250用此書號; 2013年8月5日, 改為TC368/2431. 本書6冊正文與一冊圖的版本及裝訂關係待考.本館《中文舊籍書目》頁460,有32冊本, 索書號TC368/2431應改為TC368/2430. | special notes 特殊附註 |
4283272 | 館藏: "明北藏存缺表". | special notes 特殊附註 |
4610641 | With 2 notes in English. Previously misidentified as Song edition. | special notes 特殊附註 |
4610641 | 函套内附"文祿堂書籍舖用箋"一張,上書: "宋刻本 通鑑總類一冊 大中華民國二五年七月六日 北平琉璃廠電話南局三六三六". | special notes 特殊附註 |
4723543 | Spine title on slipcase: Opuscoli Miscellanie sex volumi. Slipcase appears to date from around 1800. | special notes 特殊附註 |
5182235 | Cotsen copy: Book is entirely annotated and punctuated by a former owner, with densely drawn commas and circles in vermillion ink. | special notes 特殊附註 |
5925712 | Cotsen copy: 封底反向手書: "千家詩 張金長" | special notes 特殊附註 |
7847491 | Table of contents in English translation on added loose leaf. | special notes 特殊附註 |
7847491 | 書内夾帶英文小注條, 給出版本年代約為: 1880. | special notes 特殊附註 |
9114061 | Cotsen copy: Notes in light brown ink on an added page possibly written by Thomas Herbert, 8th Earl of Pembroke. | special notes 特殊附註 |
9597000 | 第1-20冊 in case; 第21, 22冊 photo copy, bound separately. | special notes 特殊附註 |
9668713 | 兩冊封底有紫色鉛印"printed in Japan". | special notes 特殊附註 |
10283898 | Inside cover (内表紙);「大鈞鼓銅 大蜀山人」印「南畝」 = 太田南畝 (1749-1823). | special notes 特殊附註 |
3068206 | 以補版本, 異版本及鈔本配補. | 配補 |
3092098 | 卷首二卷手抄配補. | 配補 |
3093809 | 甘鵬雲手冩李燾前後序各一篇, 手錄朱檉之跋語一則及手冩題記三則. | 配補 |
3847552 | 本館藏本不完整: 有手抄配補. 卷2為複印, 卷3-5缺. | 配補 |
3991748 | 道光已酉秋九月玉瀣抄補. | 配補 |
4107771 | D33/2032x,為Colby coll. no. 21, 共16冊, 序及目錄手抄配補. | 配補 |
4112003 | 第一册為懿文齋朱絲欄手鈔目錄. | 配補 |
4131548 | 此帙以約道光間木活字本配齊. | 配補 |
4136132 | 《御批資治通鑑綱目》卷三十七至三十八為抄配. | 配補 |
4139986 | Library's copy imperfect: 有鈔配. | 配補 |
4283413 | 卷三與七配補異版. | 配補 |
4593717 | 明鈔本. 卷四十二以宣德刻本配補. | 配補 |
4760775 | Gest copy imperfect: 卷12第一葉手抄配補. | 配補 |
9597000 | 無序跋; 目錄第一葉為手抄配補. | 配補 |
Chinese rare book 866 field notes examples
Compiled by Thomas Ventimiglia, Yangyang Zeng and Shuwen Cao, 08/27/2018
Voyager ID | 866 ‡x examples |
4650024 | 6 cases: vol.1-6; vol.7-12; vol.13-18; vol.19-24; vol.25-30; vol.31-36 |
3092274 | All vols. bound separately, in case |
3991568 | Analytical |
5419389 | Analytical. Call nubmer changed from voyager TC513/28x; book position exchanged with TC513/2201x (1) i.e. TC513/2192 in Feb. 2, 2015 |
5422325 | Analytical. Call number changed from TC513/2185a |
3861609 | Analytical. Origional Gillis call number TC513/66/.dcde; shelved with: DS797.28.D864 P85 |
3988485 | Analytical. Relocated from TC513/2200x case 61; call number changed from TC513/2192; Gillis 2192 |
4131604 | Call nubmer changed from B42/805a by bibliographer's request, 10/25/2016 |
3861842 | Call number on book to be changed from TC86/3891a vol.1-8, TC86/3891b vol.1-8 to: TC86/3891 vol.1-8, TC86/3891 vol.9-16 |
10008677 | Gift from Charles Ruas, class of 1960, 1970 |
10000470 | Gift from Ch'ü |
3925091 | Give to cataloger when found |
7114630 | Juan 47 given to bibliographer to have case made. When returned, need property stamping with Chinese seal. 1/22/2013 |
3092274 | Mudd moving missing? 5/11/2015 |
5356220 | Not on shelf. Bibliographer said "send to rcppl". 4/12/2013 |
3858941 | Not to circulate |
3983294 | Previous call number: TD38/3676-7 |
1809318 | Rare |
10283898 | Received on 9/5/2017 |
3859003 | Same as deleted Bib #3865693 (NJPX97-B2530). 5/15/2015 |
7209698 | Send to rcppl. 5/14/2015 |
3849139 | This call number includes the previously assigned call number C291/3769. |
7209698 | Transfer to Mudd for comparing book with woodblock--per bibliographer |