EAL References and Helpful Links
Updated 2019
General cataloging
- OCLC Connexion client cataloging quick reference (Viewed on 09/19/2018)
- RDA-Reproduction-CEAL 2013
Rare book cataloging
- Descriptive cataloging guideline for pre-Meiji Japanese books -2011 (Viewed on 09/09/2018)
- Chinese and (漢文)Kanbun Texts published in Japan (LC-CEAL cataloging Q & A April 2002)
Name authority
Romanization rules
- ALA-LC romanization guide for Chinese (Viewed on 09/19/2018)
- Japanese romanization rules revision proposed 2018 Mar 27 (Viewed on 09/19/2018)
- Korean romanization and word division (viewed on 09/19/2018)
Helpful links:
- Committee on Technical Processing (CTP) Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL)
- 孔夫子旧书网 (For book cover image, publisher, edition and etc., viewed on 09/19/2018)
- 读秀 / 读秀Princeton Univerisity library access (For title, author, edition and etc., viewed on 09/19/2018)
- 中国学术期刊/中国知网 (For periodical, numbering, edition and etc., viewed on 09/19/2018)
- 行政区划网/区划地名网 (For place name, viewed on 09/19/2018)