EAL Acquisitions

Updated 2019

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EAL Acquisitions Workflow

Written by Tom Ventimiglia, 02/07/2013, version 4; provided by Wenqi Wang, 08/09/2018

The workflow has 3 main components:

1)    Convert Excel spreadsheet to MARC records (only if records not provided by vendor).
2)    Make adjustments to MARC records using the MARC-CJK tool
3)    Use macros in the CJKVOYAGER MacroExpress file to import MARC records to Voyager Cataloging and create purchase orders in Voyager Acquisitions.

The details of these steps are found below.

1)    Generate MARC records from an Excel spreadsheet (and also generate pinyin, if needed)

  a. Open vendor-supplied spreadsheet in Excel.  Note that the following steps only work on XLSX (Excel 2007 and higher) files, not XLS files.  If the file is in the old XLS format, you will be prompted to convert it to XLSX upon running one of the macros.  When this happens, simply click “Yes”.

  b. (For Chinese only).  If spreadsheet does not contain pinyin, do the following:

Highlight a column that you wish to be converted to pinyin,
Go to the Review tab and click the button "Convert to Pinyin".  This will create a column of pinyin text to the right of the selected column.  
Repeat for each column of Chinese characters for which pinyin is needed.

  c. Highlight all rows of the spreadsheet for which you want to generate MARC records.  You can highlight the entire spreadsheet by clicking the small rectangle just to the left of the column headings. 

  d. Go to the Review tab and click the button "Create MARC records".  The “Make MARC Records” window will appear (See figure 1).

  e. Select the appropriate vendor profile from the “Profile” drop-down menu.

  f. The upper half of the window displays the rows you selected.  The lower left corner of the window is a preview of the MARC record that will be generated from the first row in the data.  You can click on any row of data to view a MARC preview for it.  Make sure that the spreadsheet columns are being assigned to the correct MARC fields.  If not, the spreadsheet is in a different format than expected.  The “Excel Profiles” section at the end of this document indicates what data should be in each column of a particular vendor’s spreadsheet.  Also, the column headers in the data show which MARC field(s) a particular column is being used in.  Use these as a guide in identifying the problem.  Click “Exit” button, then insert and delete columns from the spreadsheet as needed in order to get it in the proper format.  Click the “Create MARC records” button again when you have made these corrections.

  g. Select the rows you want to convert, then click the “Convert!” button.  Note the following:
        i.    If you have not selected any rows, then they will all be converted by default.  If you want to exclude the first row of data (because it contains the names of the columns), check the “First Row Contains Column Headers” checkbox.  
        ii.    If you only want to convert certain rows, simply select those rows in the preview window before clicking “Convert!”.  You can select rows similar to how you would in Excel.  Holding down the Shift key will allow you to select a range of rows (click the first and last row in the range).  Holding down the Control key allows you to select multiple rows that are not necessarily right next to each other.
        iii.    If you click a row in order to view a MARC preview for it, then only that row will be selected.  If only one row is selected when you click the “Convert!” button, you will be asked whether you want to select all rows.  You can also select all rows by click the “Select All Rows” button.

  h. Wait for the conversion to complete (It may take a few seconds or minutes, depending on the size of the file).  When the conversion completes, a dialog appears reporting the number of records that were generated.  Click “OK”, and then click “Exit”.

  i. Repeat steps (c) through (h) for any other tabs of the spreadsheet that need to be converted to MARC records.

2)    Use the MARC-CJK tool to make adjustments to the MARC records.  This tool will automatically convert the file to UTF-8 if it is not already in that format.
    a.    Double-click the program icon, and you will see a dialog asking you to select a file.  You can select the file generated in step (1).
    b.    A window will appear displaying the first record in the MARC file.  By default, parallel fields are paired up and color-coded (in order to make proofreading easier).  However, when the MARC file is saved, the fields will be saved in their original order.
    c.    Click the button “Add/Update Acquisitions Data”.  This will add a 904 field to the bottom of each record.  Confirm that the 904 displayed in the preview field is correct. Then Click the “OK” button.  
    d.    Click the button “Convert Invalid Characters”.  After a few seconds, a window will appear listing all the “invalid” characters for all records (that is, characters not accepted by Voyager).  Click “OK” to replace all characters with their LC compatibility variants. Click “Cancel” to leave the characters unchanged.
    e.    Click “Remove Extra Spaces”.  This will remove any spaces between CJK characters in all of the records.  After a few seconds, a dialog will appear confirming that the command was successful.  Click “OK”.
    f.    Some record sets may contain items that need to be dealt with manually (multivolume items, videos, etc.).  These should be split off into a separate file, using the following steps.
        i.     Click the “Split Off Selected Records” button.  A window will appear listing the 245 and 300 fields of all records.  
        ii.    Check off the records that you want to split off into a separate file.  
        iii.   Click the “Save/Split” button, and enter the file name that you want to save the records as.  Then click “Save”.  
        iv.    Repeat steps (i) to (iii) if you want to create other files of records.  Then Click “Close”.  
        v.    Note that when you deal with these records later, you may need to alter the 904 fields based on the item type.
    g.    Make other adjustments to records as needed.  Note that the other commands in MARC-CJK affect individual records.  These are as follows:
        i.      Chinese name (comma): Formats highlighted text as a Chinese name with a comma.  For example, “wen dao ming” becomes “Wen, Daoming”.
        ii.     Chinese name (no comma): Formats highlighted text as a Chinese name with no comma.  For example, “wen dao ming” becomes “Wen Daoming”.
        iii.    Insert/Replace Selection with: Replaced highlighted text with the text in the input box.  If no text is selected, the text is inserted at the cursor.
        iv.    Add Parallel Field Pair: Adds a new pair of empty parallel fields, using the tag number in the input box.  Indicators are blank by default.  A subfield 6 with the appropriate values is added to each field.
        v.     Extract names from 100 field: If the 100 field contains multiple names, some of these may be extracted to other fields.  
                 1.    After clicking the button, a dialog appears with a list of names (the names must be separated by commas or semicolons in both the 100 and corresponding 880 fields).  
                 2.    Check off the names you want to split off into separate fields.  
                 3.    Select the desired name format (the window will give a preview based on your selection).
                 4.    Indicate the tag number of the new fields you want to create using the input box.
                 5.    Click “OK” to generate the new fields.  The new fields will have the same indicators as the 100 field.
    h.    Manual adjustments can be made to any record by typing directly in the record window.  Note that the delimiter character is represented by a dollar sign, and an actual dollar sign is represented by the text “{dollar}”.
    i.    To mark a record for deletion, click the “Delete” button.  The fields of the record will then have a strikethrough line.  These records will continue to appear in the record display, but they will not be saved, and will not re-appear when the file is closed and reopened.  To unmark a record, click the “Undelete” button.
    j.    Click the “Save” button to save all changes.
    k.    Click “Export as XML” to save the records in MARC-XML format.  This is not needed for Voyager, but will be needed if and when Alma is adopted.
    l.    Click the X in the upper right corner of the window to close the file.  You will be prompted to save the file again before the window closes.

3)    Import records to Voyager using MacroExpress
    a.    Before starting the process, make sure all of the following programs are running.
        i.    Voyager Cataloging
        ii.    Voyager Acquisitions
        iii.    Notepad, open to an "Untitled" document
        iv.    MacroExpress, open to the "CJKVOYAGER" macro file.
    b.    Make sure the correct default currency type is set in Voyager Acq.
    c.    Open Voyager Cat.  
    d.    Run the "Batchload MARC (General)" macro with the keyboard command "Ctrl+Alt+A".
    e.    When prompted, select whether you want to open a new MARC file or the previously used file.  Then select the vendor, enter the number of records to process, and then the record number to start at.  You will usually start at record #1, unless there are some records at the beginning of the file that you want to skip (for example, because you already know they are duplicates or contain invalid characters).
    f.    Allow the process to run to completion.  Avoid touching the keyboard or mouse if possible.  After each record is processed, the associated BIBID will be entered in the Notepad file.  If duplicates are found, they will be left minimized and unsaved the Voyager Cat window.  The same is done with records that cannot be saved because they contain invalid characters.
    g.     Review the records that have been minimized.  Correct invalid characters.  If a record is not actually a duplicate, save it and then run the macro "Single Record Bib to PO (General)" with the command "Ctrl+Alt+B". This macro will create the PO.  It will not close the Bib record or PO windows when it completes, and it will not enter a BIBID into Notepad.  
    h.    Repeat steps (d) through (g) until you have gone through all records in the file. If there are any dupes that you do not save to Voyager, these will remain in the import file. Thus, when you run the next batch, you will need to have it start at a record number greater than 1 in order to skip the dupes.  For example, if there were 2 unsaved dupes in the first batch, the next batch should start from record #3.

Excel Profiles

Commercial Press



MARC Field(s)


(not used in MARC record)






880a (parallel to 245)


Title (Romanized)




880a (parallel to 100)


Author (Romanized)






(not used in MARC record)


(not used in MARC record)


Price (after discount)



# of pages



(not used in MARC record)


(not used in MARC record)


Publication date

008, 260c




MARC Field(s)


(not used in MARC record)









880a (parallel to 245)


Title (Romanized)




880a (parallel to 100)


Author (Romanized)



(not used in MARC record)


# of volumes (not used if equal to 1)



(not used in MARC record)

008, 260c


# of pages (used only if single-volume)



Date of publication

008, 260c





(not used in MARC record)

JPT (also used for Isseido and Kinokuniya)



MARC Field(s)



880a (parallel to 245)


Title (Romanized)



Series name

880a (parallel to 440)


Series name (Romanized)



Series volume

440v (and parallel 880)


# of volumes




880a (parallel to 100)


Author (Romanized)






City of publication

880a (parallel to 260)


City of publication (Romanized)




880b (parallel to 260)


Publisher (Romanized)



Publication date

008, 260c (and parallel 880)





Vendor item #



Voyager publisher code


JPT Past (also used for Isseido and Kinokuniya past orers)



MARC Field(s)


Princeton PO #







880a (parallel to 245)


Title (Romanized)



Series name



Series volume






City of publication






Publication date

008, 260c





Order date



Voyager vendor code


EAL Acquisitions for Marquand Library Chinese and Japanese titles

Written by Carol Fugundus, updated by Wenqi Wang 8/13/2018

Overview: Chinese and Japanese selection for Marquand uses the same source material as selection for EAL - bibliographic record files and spreadsheets. The basic processing will be identical to ordering for EAL - using macros to create orders, sending a spreadsheet to the vendor, etc.Log on to the Voyager Cataloging module.

  1. Set defaults for orders. The Order site and Bill to locations should be Acqord, and the Ship to location should be EAL Chinese (or EAL Japanese). Set the appropriate vendor code and currency.
  2. If you find duplicate of EAL orders, do not order automatically. Contact Marquand as appropriate for an added copy decision.
  3. Create the spreadsheet of orders and send to vendor.  Orders for CCBOOK should go to CIBTC (vendor); specify that the orders are for account no. EUS91600.  Orders for JPT should specify account no. 431310. 
  4. Books will be shipped to EAL.  Staff at EAL will receive the books in Voyager, print receipts slips (item labels in Voyager -speak), and then send the books to 693 Alexander.  Label as Chinese Art Book when shipping.
  5. Invoices ready for payment may be treated exactly as EAL invoices and added to OnBase (if necessary, as a Firestone invoice). Then, add the scanned invoice to the EAL invoices FYXX spreadsheets on the server, with “Marquand” following the invoice number.

Note that Marquand selectors may occasionally email purchase requests. These will be sent to Wenqi Wang wenqiw@exchange.Princeton.EDU or Tomoe Mull  tommull@exchange.Princeton.EDU as appropriate.

Chinese Acquisitions special notes/steps

Written by Wenqi Wang 08/12/2018

1. ISBN de-duplicating (when needed)

Open Macro CJKVoyager.MEX, click Search key to set ISBN search, and then hit command Ctrl+Alt+I at the same time.  A dialogue box will appear asking enter value “How many ISBNs to process”

2. Create order steps

a. Set default setting for individual vendor (vendor code, currency, etc.)

b. Send email to the Department Computing Support Analyst asking for order spreadsheet. E.g. “Please create an order spreadsheet for EAL/SA. Vendor code CCBOOK, operator ID xx, and date mm/dd/yyyyy.”
c. Go over the spreadsheet, modify if necessary, and then email the order list to vendor. Make detailed explanations for Standing Order and other complicated orders
d. Do not make individual order from the same vendor when batch orders are created on the same day
e. Do not delete any purchase order once the order has been sent to the vendor
f. For necessary cancellation, communicate the issue with vendor and then follow Princeton University Order Division Documentation Order Maintenance guide

3. Re-order from different vendor using the same bibliographic record

Make note on the original PO record in the ‘line item note’ area as “Order with xx was cancelled, redirected to xx per xx on ‘date, initial’”

4. Fund

a. General fund for EAL – monograph F0401

b. General fund for SA – monograph C1602

c. If orders require special funding, check with Selector and consult university Order Division Documentation.

5. PO Pay for gift shipping

Use Bib Record ID 3943728 for shipping charges for gift materials.  Create a PO with that bibliographic record attached to correct vendor and then forward the invoice as usual.  Gift shipping will be paid against the shipping fund B0101. Use currency ‘USD’

6. Monograph serial order

a. Enter 050 $a MonoSer

b. Suppress bibliographic record

c. Make note in holding 852 or 866 $x Catalogued separately

7. Manually place order

a. Create bib. using Voyager

  • Click Record, select New, select bibliographic
  • Enter book title, author, publisher, date, ISBN information
  • Use CJKVoyager.mex to generate bib. in Chinese first. Then use CTK.exe macro to Romanize Chinese characters  
  • Attach new PO to the bib. record created

b. Manually create PO (standing order, set, and special order)

  • Click New Purchase Order using Voyager Acquisitions
  • Save the new PO number first
  • Alt LAS to attach the new PO to the newly created bib. record
  • Use proper fund, vendor code, type, price, and currency for different types of order, make note in the ‘Instructions to Vendor’ line, e.g. For vol.1-v.6 etc.
  • Send order to vendor via email
  • Specify the shipping requirement to vendor
  • Email example:         


                   请用PO511335 订


                   出版社:  中华书局; 第1版 (2017年10月1日)

                   精装: 2629页

                   ISBN: 9787101122350




Chinese Gift Processing

Written by Wenqi Wang, 08/10/2018

  1. Acknowledge if needed using standard letter format sending by international/domestic mail or email if it is requested.
  2. Selector examines gift items to decide location/rejection.
  3. Add accepted gifts to Voyager using CJKVOYAGER.MEX MacroExpress
  4. In 852 field, add “gift,” “# of volume/issue received, “ “date of creating the bib.;”


‡x gift 8/29/2016; ‡x gift vol.1-v.4 3/4/2017

  1. Record number of gift added/rejected in EAL online Acquisitions Report (requires personal log-in with own account/password).
  2. Add gift record in timely fashion to avoid duplicate order.

Chinese Materials Receiving Procedure

Written by Guang Mei Li, 08/10/ 2018

All books

  • Open packages, put books on truck, and place invoice or packing list as a marker.
  • Verify against invoice or packing list for each book.
  • Check in books with PO# or book title in Voyager Acquisition. See link Voyager Acquisitions procedures (old Technical services website, should be replaced after new acquisition documentation webpage is on)
  • After checking in, switch to Voyager Catalog and create a new item record for each book under its bibliographical record with a barcode. Put the barcode on top left corner of each book. For item with a few sheets or special binding, put an unpeeled barcode with removable tape on title page.

East Asian Library Chinese Books

  • Searching for records through OCLC by ISBN/title, follow the procedure for OCLC searching.
  • After OCLC searching, put ALL searched books (with or without OCLC records) on bookshelf for Librarian review for location. 

Marquand Library (SA) Chinese Books

  • Print out item label from Voyager item record and put it in the book (right before title page). 
  • Repack books and send to 693 Alexander Road


  • Receiving procedure is the same as books.
  • Put a barcode with removable tape on the DVD case.
  • DVD location in holding record (852b) is “RCPQV”, and item type in item record is “2 weeks”.

Japanese Monograph Check-in Procedures

Written by Chiharu Watsky and Kiyoko Heinecken, 08/15/2018

 Preparation for check-in in Voyager

  1. Invoice check-in: check invoice against items received.  Besides JPT, find an invoice in the cabinet in acquisition staff’s office and attach it with the invoice received with the books. After invoices are checked, sign the invoices with dates. Any invoices with unreceived books should be kept in acquisition staff’s cabinet file.
  2. Clean up each book:  After cleaning, hold book covers and book jackets until Voyager check-in process is finished.  Throw away advertisement flyers and other unwanted materials except for errata slips and supplementary booklet which should be pasted in the books.
  3. Separate standing orders, multi-part orders, regular single-part monograph orders.
  4. Record the statistics of new acquisition and additional books

 Regular single-part monograph

  • In Acquisition module:
  1. Go to “Edit”

  2. Click on the item line

  3. Open “Orders” and search the item by PO#

  4. Make sure the title matches

  5. Go to “Recv/Mark”

  6. Click the title and click “Receive”

  7. Close

  8. Click “Mark” and Go to Cataloging module

  • In Cataloging module:
    Add item record (make sure to add “In process” status, if it is not there)

 Multi-part monograph single order

  • In Acquisition Module:
    If all the volumes are received together:
  1. Go through the same acquisition procedure as above
  2. Leave a note: e.g. “v.1-v.5 received”
  • In Cataloging Module:
    Add a 866 note to MFHD: e.g. “v.1-v.5”
  • In OCLC:
    For a multi-part set, search the record.  If the set was cataloged separately, don’t create an item record in Voyager (this is to prevent overlaying the record incorrectly and also relinkig the item records later)

Microfilm reels

      Follow the same procedure as the multi-part monograph set above

Standing order (pattern already created) check-in:

  • In Acquisition module:
  1. Open “Serials check-in” and search the pattern by title
  2. Chose the volume in “issues in hand” box and click “quick check-in”
  3. Check “history” and confirm that the volume is added
  4. If you need to add special issue, chose “add issue”
  • In Cataloging module:
  1. Add volume no. to MFHD
  2. If cataloged as a set, create item records.
  3. If MCS or CAS, search OCLC for the record. If a "good" record is found, copy catalog it. If not, keep them separately on the cataloging staff’s shelves (do not put them in Storage)

New Standing order check-in in Acquisition module (pattern not created):

  1. Open “orders” and search the item by PO#
  2. Make sure the title matches
  3. Go to “Edit”
  4. Click “Detailed Item Line”
  5. Click “New”
  6. Click “Save”
  7. Go to “Predictive Component Pattern”
  8. Shift “a”.  Go to “An vol.” and click
  9.  Click “Start Prediction”
  10.  Go to “Enumeration value” and type in vol. #
  11.  Click “First Issues Expected date”
  12.  Click “OK”
  13. Follow Standing order (pattern already created) check-in

 Other various tasks involved with the check-in process:

  1. Stamp and bookplate
  2. When check-in is finished, ask the selector to check them (only newly ordered books) and decide the location. For recap, put “Recap” stikcer.
  3. Search members copy. Catalog books with "good" member copies and hold books with poor records in the storage room.
  4. Reference books and patron requested books will be kept for the cataloger’s shelf for priority cataloging.
  5. Print out call numbers and distribute books according to each location. For recap items, discharge them before putting them on the recap Truck.
  6. Reference books, annuals: replace with the newest issue, and recap the old issues, discharge them before putting them on the recap Truck.
  7. For display, give to the acquisition’s staff

Japanese Marquand library book receiving procedure            

Written by Sumiko Maeda, 08/09/2018

  1. Open packages.
  2. Check each book against the invoice titles.
  3. Check-in the book in Voyager Acquisitions module.
  4. Go to the record in Voyager and make an item record with a barcode.
  5. Put the unpeeled barcode with removable tape on the verso of the title page.
  6. If a "good" member record is found in OCLC, catalog it immediately and send it to SDBS 693 Alexander Road as “Cataloged SA books”.
  7. If not, send it to Cataloging Team at 693 Alexander Road to be put on hold.
  8. Five SA titles are sent from 693 hold to EAL to be cataloged each month. Search in OCLC and if a "good" member record is found, staff can catalog it. If not, leave it on the SA uncatalogued shelf in the EAL storage room for EAL cataloger. 

Temporary Japanese records loaded from OCLC Connexion Client 

Isseido does not provide much information of the titles in their spreadsheet, therefore we can use OCLC Connexion Client “batch searches” to find viable records for the purpose of creating orders in Alma. We utilize the ISBNs provided in a spreadsheet.

To batch search in Connexion Client it is necessary to set the batch options once:

  1. Under Tools menu, select Options>Batch Change the number for Maximum Number of Matches to Download to 3 > OK
  2. Under Batch > Enter Bibliographic Search Keys > Local File: make sure to send the results of the search in your local OCLC Bib Save Folder, Ex.:

C:\Users\[your NET ID]\AppData\Roaming\OCLC\Connex\Db\DefaultBib.bib.db (When you process the batch, the retrieved records will be stored to this local file which is the Local Save File in Connexion.)

  1. In “Use Default” index box select ISBN.
  2. Save > Close
  3. Batch > Process Batch > check the desired path in Local File: Path
  4. Under Process > Check Online Process > Online Search box.

To Search:

  • Copy the ISBN column of the vendor’s Excel spreadsheet and paste it in a Notepad file.
  • In Connexion: Batch > Enter Bibliographic Search Keys >
  • Use Default index > ISBN > Import
  • Select the File with the list of ISBNs to be searched > SAVE > Close
  • Batch > Process Batch Select Path > Check Online Search box > OK
  • Export all records from the OCLC local file: Highlight all and click the Export button
  • Access the local exported file
  • Change name extension of file from .dat ->  .mrc

This is the MarcEdit file with the desired records to be used in Alma for ordering.

Before proceeding, create a mini MARC file to merge the price information

From the vendor’s Excel sheet copy the column with ISBNs and the column with the prices and paste them in a new Excel.

  • With MarcEdit Delimited Text Translator convert to mini MARC records
  • Map the ISBN to 020 and “Price of item” to 980 $b

Merge the files

Open MarcEdit and select Tools > MARC processing Tools > Merge records

In Source File select the mrk file with bib records

In Merge File select the mini mrk file with ISBN and price

In Record Identifier choose 020

In Save file choose the path where you want the merged file to be saved.

The MarcEdit file with the records will be the source

Proceed to Next step.

Merge 980

Convert the mrk to mrc data file.

Normalization of MARC records in MarcEdit

Eliminate duplicates


Tools > Record Deduplication

Delete extended date in 264/260


FIND: (\$c)(\d{2,4})(\.)(\d{1,2})




Add vendor’s code in 980 $v

Tools > Edit Subfield Data

Add  $v to 980 giving the vendor’s code

                      Add 904

Tools > Add/Delete Field

Field Data: $a[initials]$bo$hm$cb$eYYYYMMDD

Receiving series catalogues separately on "Print Book - Standing Order"

IF receiving a few volumes at once:

Add Holding Record:

  • 866:31:$a Volumes [no.]-[no.] Received [mmddyyyy]

Suppress bib and holding records

  • Add item record accounting for all the volumes received in the Enumeration A box
  • Leave barcode box empty
  •  Link to PO Line
  • Add receiving date
  • Save

Print the item record screen indicating the batch of volumes received and insert it in one of the books. Keep them together and pass them to the cataloger to be cataloged separately, with the following instructions:

For catalogers after cataloging a separate book and adding the appropriate holding record:

  • Add physical item
  • Link the series’ Standing Order PO line
  • Fill the other spaces: Receiving date, Item policy, Material type, Process type, barcode
  • Save
  • After adding all the received item records with the PO line, DELETE the temporary item record without barcode.