Authority validation

Updated 04/2020

Authority validation and what to do with it

For member and original catalogers, name, title, name/title, and subject/subdivision options will be active. Do not change these settings without supervisor approval.

Voyager contains all name and subject authority records from the NAF and SAF except for the most recent.

You should expect that most subject headings will be marked either "Heading validated" when the entire string matches an authority record, or "Partial Heading Validation" when the subfield a matches an authority record but the entire string does not. Most name headings will be marked “Heading validated”, any other message indicates that further action is required.

Valid subject subdivisions may either be marked "Nonexistent Subdivision" or "Subdivision Validated" depending on whether or not an authority record exists for that subdivision. Not all valid subdivisions have authority records. Catalogers will determine whether or not subdivisions are acceptable based on their own knowledge or by consulting a list of valid subdivisions.

What to do with subjects marked "Heading validated":

Congratulate yourself on a job well done!

What to do with subjects marked "Partial Heading Validation":

The portion of the subject appearing in the far right column matches an authority record. Any elements not appearing in the final column must be either places, if the subject allows geographic subdivision, or a subdivision appearing on one of the free-floating lists.

What to do with personal or corporate names marked "Heading validated":

Congratulate yourself on a job well done.

NOTE: If you have a personal name with no dates and very common elements, like William Thompson, it is wise to view the authority record to ensure that you have the heading for the correct person. Also see procedures for undifferentiated names.

What to do with personal or corporate names marked "Partial Heading Validation":

This message usually, but not always, indicates a problem with the heading.

If the name has been used as a subject, and the partial match includes all elements of the name but does not include subject subdivisions ($x, $y, $v, and $z), the heading is OK.

If however part of the name ($b, $c, $q, or $d) is not included in the partial match, further work needs to be done.

For conference headings, if the partial match includes the entire conference heading with the exception of the number, date, and place qualifiers, the heading is verified--just double-check the qualifiers.

What to do with headings marked "See Reference":

This message means that the heading in the bib record matches a reference on the authority record.

Highlight the line, click the "Retrieve auth" button to display the authority record. Copy the heading in the 1XX field on the authority record and replace the existing heading in your bib record with this text.

What to do with headings which are marked "Nonexistent Heading":

This means that the heading does not match an authority record and a new record will need to be created. Check the procedures for creating a new authority record.

What to do with subject subdivisions marked "Nonexistent" or "Non-Authorized":

Scan the text in the "Bib Heading" column for errors and typos. If there are none, determine whether or not the subdivision is acceptable by consulting a list of valid subdivisions. Do not create any subdivision authority records.

What to do with subjects or subject subdivisions marked "Heading Validated--Cosmetic Differences":

Check heading over carefully. There might be a difference in the punctuation between your heading and the authority record. In particular, look for differences in the subfield ($x vs. $v), diacritics, and capitalization.

What to do with series marked "Heading Validated--Cosmetic Differences":

Check heading over carefully. There may be a difference in the punctuation between your heading and the authority record. In particular, look for differences in diacritics, and capitalization.