Geographic headings as names

Updated 09/2018






$d - Coordinates - westernmost longitude
$e - Coordinates - easternmost longitude
$f - Coordinates - northernmost latitude
$g - Coordinates - southernmost latitude
$2 - Source

Use this list for cartographic data sources for the subfield $2.
Prefer to record in the style HDDDMMSS (hemisphere-degrees-minutes-seconds).
Styles should not be mixed in a single 034 field, but the field may be repeated to represent the different styles.
A 670 citation is not required if the only information from the source is recorded in field 034.

034 ## ǂd E0363900 ǂe E0363900 ǂf S0162600 ǂg S0162600 $2 other
034 ## ǂd W0735708 ǂe W0735708 ǂf N0403729 ǂg N0403729 ǂ2 geonames
034 ## ǂd E0191400 ǂe E0294300 ǂf N0414400 ǂg N0344200 ǂ2 bound
034 ## ǂd 22.0000 ǂe 22.0000 ǂf 39.0000 ǂg 39.0000 ǂ2 gettytgn


$a - Geographic area code

Codes should sourced from this list.

043 ## $a s-bl---
043 ## $a n-us-ny
043 ## $a e-gr---


$a - Geographic name

Use GeoNames to obtain the approved form of a name .
Use the English form of the name.
Qualify headings by the name of the country in which they are located.
In the case of conflicts, add to the qualifier the name of the next smaller jurisdiction or a generic term, in English, designating the type of entity

151 ## $a Beijing (China)
151 ## $a Leninogorsk (Kazakhstan)
151 ## $a Barinas (Venezuela : State)


$b - Type of jurisdiction
$2 - Source

Define the type of jurisdiction with a term from LCSH. Use $2 lcsh

151 ## $a Adana İli (Turkey)
368 ## ǂb Turkish provinces ǂ2 lcsh
151 ## $a Brasília (Distrito Federal, Brazil)
368 ## ǂb Capitals (Cities) ǂb Cities and towns ǂ2 lcsh


$c - Associated country
$2 - Source

For regions contained in a country (cities, states, provinces, etc), add the country in the 370 $c.

151   Paris (France)
370   ‡c France ‡2 naf    


$a - Jurisdiction name

$b - Subordinate unit

Establish a 410 reference for city sections starting with the municipal juristiction.

151 ## $a Capitol Hill (Seattle, Wash.)
410 1# $a Seattle (Wash.). ǂb Capitol Hill
151 ## $a Ipanema (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
410 1# $a Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). ǂb Ipanema


$a - Geographic name

Add alternative name forms (and their romanized equivalents) and names in the vernacular

151 ## $a Saint Petersburg (Russia)
451 ## $a St. Petersburg (Russia)
451 ## $a Санкт-Петербург (Russia)
451 ## $a Sanktpeterburg (Russia)


$a - Geographic name

When appropriate, establish the related geographic juristiction

151 ## $a ABC Region (Brazil)
551 ## $a Santo André (São Paulo, Brazil)
551 ## $a São Bernardo do Campo (Brazil)
551 $a São Caetano do Sul (Brazil)
670 ## $a  Wikipedia, August 31, 2018 ǂb Portuguese version (Região do Grande ABC; originally refered to the cities Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo and São Caetano do Sul)
151 ## $a Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.)
551 ## $a Kings County (N.Y.)
670 ## $a Wikipedia, Mar. 28, 2013 ǂb (since 1896, Brooklyn has had the same boundaries as Kings County)


‡a nonpublic general note

Wording is recommended but not prescriptive:
SUBJECT USAGE: This heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision.
SUBJECT USAGE: This heading is not valid for use as a subject.  Works about this place are entered under [heading].
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.

151 ## $a Byelorussian S.S.R.
667 ## $a SUBJECT USAGE: This heading is not valid for use as a subject. Works about this place are entered under Belarus.
667 ## DESCRIPTIVE USAGE: Name heading for the government before 1992. Use "Belarus" as qualifier for places within the country.
151 ## $a Adel (Leeds, England)
667 ## $a SUBJECT USAGE: This heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision.


‡a source citation
‡b information found

See this page for more details.



‡a source citation

Follow instructions for the 670. Omit $b since no information was found.
Only use when the very the lack of information is considered worth recording



$z - Geographic subdivision

Use second indicator 0.
For a geographic heading that is used directly, such as a country, enter the data in a single $z subfield
For a geographic heading that is used indirectly through a larger geographic entity, such as a city, enter the data in two successive $z subfields
Do not add for city sections, earlier names of jurisdictions, or records coded “b” in 008/15. Add 667 note: SUBJECT USAGE: This heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision.

151 ## $a France
781 #0 $z France
151 ## $a Paris (France)
781 #0 $z France $z Paris
151 ## $a Valencia (Spain : Region)
781 #0 $z Spain $z Valencia (Region)