Local Portfolio Form


Creation Type
Determines whether an existing bib record will be used. If none is available, it is best to create one in the Alma MDE as the first step, and note the MMS ID. Bibs created via the local portfolio form will need significant updating.
Record Type
This field applicable only if a record for the title is NOT available. For monographs, keep default of One Time; for serials, change to Continuing.
Choose Title
This field applicable only if a record for the title IS available; results in a full bib record. Best to have pre-searched for the title and copied the MMS ID.
Required if title wasn't located in the IZ/CZ. Remaining fields in this section applicable only if a record for the title was NOT found; data is used to create a brief bib. record.
If applicable. It can be used for corporate authors, but MARC coding in the resulting record will treat this as a personal author so will need to be corrected in catalog review.
Alternative Title 1Alternative Title 2Include if applicable.
ISSNe-ISSNIf applicable & known, always include.
ISBNe-ISBNIf applicable & known, always include.
Must choose only one.


Portfolio type
Specify whether part of a collection. If not, the rest of this section may be left blank. All new serial portfolios should be part of a collection.
Electronic Collection
If part of a collection, search for and select the collection name. For serials with no other appropriate collection, use publisher (Miscellaneous Ejournals) for paid titles or Free E- Journals for free ones.
Should auto-fill when collection is chosen: Full Text.
Interface Name

Required only if NOT part of a collection; in that case, choose Technical Services.
COUNTER Platform


Date Information
Coverage dates, generally required for serials; not applicable for monographs. Fill in as far as known and leave the rest blank; usually no need to specify month/day.
From YearUntil Year
From MonthUntil Month
From DayUntil Day
From VolumeUntil Volume
From IssueUntil Issue
Embargo/Rolling Year
Use instead of/in addition to Date Information in cases of rolling access.

Number of Years

Number of Months


Parser Parameters
Appears only for collections. Follow the format for that particular collection.
If not part of a collection; enter URL in this field. Collections generally use a parser + parser parameters instead, but a URL entered here will override that.
Proxy enabled
For standalone portfolios, choose yes for paid resources (it is not necessary to specify a proxy service), no for free ones. Portfolios associated with a collection will inherit proxy settings from the collection level, so do not need information entered here.
Availability status
Keep default of "Active."
Electronic material type
Choose most appropriate. "Journal" here is a general term that can be used for any type of serial, though "Newspaper" can be substituted if applicable.


Authentication note
Rarely used.
Public note
Can be used to provide additional information to users if needed.
Internal description
Non-public note to record any useful additional information for staff.