CZ Updates Task List

Information about e-resources is continually being updated in the Alma Community Zone. Changes may be made to an e-collection's title list, linking parameters, serial holdings, bibliographic records, etc. Updates that affect our active CZ-linked resources are automatically applied, but can be reviewed under Resources -- Manage Inventory -- Community Zone Updates Task List. For more information see: Working with the Community Zone Updates Task List (Ex Libris Knowledge Center).

SeERs Team staff review the list as time allows. As there are thousands of updates each month, it is not possible to investigate each one individually, but those most likely to be problematic are prioritized. In some cases changes that were made need to be reversed, or other related updates done manually. Items that have been reviewed, or judged unnecessary to review, are dismissed from the list; archived entries can still be viewed by switching tabs from Review to All.

A Date Range can be specified - useful for focusing on updates from a specific month or months. There are a number of other options for filtering and sorting the list, including by a specific Collection Name.

The Report Type filter is especially useful, allowing us to zero in on the most impactful updates and to work on one category at a time. Report Types include:

  • Collection CDI updates
  • Collection bib record updates
  • Collection deletions
  • Service base URL updates
  • Service deletions
  • Service linking parameter updates
  • Portfolio bib record updates
  • Portfolio coverage updates
  • Portfolio deletions (auto-active collections)
  • Portfolio deletions (NON-auto-active collections)
  • Portfolio linking parameter updates