[ARCHIVED] Linking Bound-with Records in Voyager

Updated 08/20/20

Linking Bound-With Records in Voyager

For items containing multiple separate, independent works that have been bound together under the same covers, consult the following instructions on how to link associated Bib, MFHD and item records in Voyager. The Rare Monographs documentation indicates how to describe bound-withs in the MARC bibliographic record.

Step 1

For the first manifestation, create Voyager Bib, MFHD, and Item records according to normal procedures. The Bib record should contain a 501 note similar to the example below:

Step 2

For the second manifestation in the sequence, create Voyager BIB record only. Do the same for 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. manifestations in sequence, if present. 

Step 3

Go to the Item record from the first manifestation in the sequence. From the menu, click Record > Link to bibliographic.

In the window that pops up, type or paste in the Bib ID for the 2nd manifestation. Click OK, and save the Item record.

Once the Item record is saved, you should see both associated Bibs listed in the drop-down menu at the top of the Item record.

MFHD and Hierarchy

Once the second manifestation is linked via the Item record, Voyager will automatically insert an 014 field in the MFHD, listing the second Bib ID associated with that item/holding. It may take up to 24 hours for the 014 field to appear, as Voyager re-indexes Bib IDs overnight.

You can also view the record hierarchy to see all associated Bib, MFHD and Holdings records. The hierarchy should indicate the presence of a bound-with.

(Note: In this example, there is also a second copy of Bib #61752, associated with MFHD #68887. The Bound-with is associated with MFHD #11382712.)