Book Flags

Updated 7/1/2019

Flags are put in books, booksets and serial volumes for a variety of reasons during the acquisition and cataloging process here at PUL.

Most of the book flags fall into one of the following four categories:

Expedited Processing:

The expedited processing includes two flags:

  • Give to Circ: used for patron requests
  • RUSH: used for course reserves materials and branch patron requests

Requires Special Cataloging or Physical Treatment:

This category ranges from the basic “duplicate barcode needed” to a reminder for “special series treatment” to the request for Conservation/Preservation treatment and a similar flag for periodical binding and preservation. The series treatment is for materials which are received on a standing order for said series; therefore, it is important that the series be appropriately coded in the bibliographic record.


Next are the flags for approval materials, starting with the rejection flag for materials which can be returned to the vendor to the blank flag which should be used for locations (from AAS to Zeiss) which don’t have a separate flag. Requests for repairs, protective enclosures, or pockets for discs, loose maps should go on the pink slip above (Collections Conservation).

Approval Book Location or Rejection:

  • The following flags should be used for materials going to ClasDixon, or DR:

  • These three flags should be used for materials going to MUSNEC, or ReCAP:

  • The following flags are used for Art & Architecture materials Some of the art approval materials going to ReCAP (RCPPJ location) will also receive a flag for SASAPH is the location for art photography materials. UES is for the architecture library:

Special Binding Request for Art Approval Materials:

Some of the art materials are flagged for binding while some have unique covers which should be retained with the book (like the hardcover books in the Dixon collection). These items get the Needs Mylar jacket flag. These materals also should not be bound: