Voyager preference settings

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Voyager Cataloging module default preference settings

Open Preferences by selecting Options > Preferences on the top menu of Voyager.

General tab

Staff who are doing approval work should have the settings in the screenshot below. 

Staff who catalog, but do not do approval work should have “BBID Merge” selected in place of the highlighted text.

Note: staff may change the default location from Firestone to whatever is most common in their work.

  Validation tab:

Shelf-ready staff should have these settings:

Scholarly Content Services staff (except for the shelf-ready staff) should have the settings in the screenshot below.

Staff who do member copy should have the settings below.

Professional catalogers should have the settings below with the addition of checking  “Subject” and “Subdivision” in the Heading Types section (all options in Heading Types should be checked).

Item Default tab:

Staff doing approval work or creating orders use the settings in the screenshot below.

All other staff use the settings below except leave the Status box empty.

Folders/files Tab:

Scholarly Content Services staff should have the settings in the screenshot below.  The Templates section defaults are cut off in the screenshot, here are the full values (the Bib template may be changed for individual preference):

Bib = c:\voyager\catalog\template\Order Book.tem
Hldg = c:\voyager\catalog\template\hold.tem
Auth = c:\voyager\catalog\template\auth.tem

Staff who handle approvals and who catalog should have the settings below, but using the following values for the Bib and Hldg fields in the Templates section (they may be changed for individual preference):

Bib = c:\voyager\catalog\template\brief.tem
Hldg = c:\voyager\catalog\template\blank hol.tem

Mapping Tab:

Everyone should be using the default values in the screenshot below.  Note: If staff import records from a file with older encoding, they will get an error message.  When that happens, the “Local Import” setting should be changed to “MARC21 MARC-8 (non-Unicode)”

Colors/fonts tab:

These may be set according to personal preference.  Note that although the drop-down list for the font size only goes up to size 12, you can get larger fonts by typing a number into the box.