Understand Search Indexes: Practice Questions

Resources you need

1. MARC 21 Search Indexes: Look up search indexes and their corresponding MARC tags. Ctrl + F is your friend when you try to locate a specific field tag or field name on this (very long) webpage.

2. Basic and Advanced Search: Explains the interface of the Alma search bar.

Question 1

Which of the following data points are searchable by a keyword search?


B. Item barcode

C. Table of contents of a book (505 content note)

D. Year of publication

E. Edition statement


All of the above

All these data points are found in the list of fields that are searched when performing a keyword search.

This question is given to illustrate the usage of the list, not as a suggestion for search strategies. Edition statement, for example, is not a controlled field and can lead to unreliable search results.

Question 2

I wish to search for content in bib record 245 $c statement of responsibility, which of the following search indexes may I choose from the drop-down menu?

A. 245 $c is not indexedB. CreatorC. NamesD. either option will work


To search for text in 245 $c, select Names, as documented in the search index tables:


Search Index

245 c


Search Index



100 a-d,g,j,q,u

110 a-e,g,n,u

111 a,c,d,e,g,n,q,u

245 c

Because Names is one of many fields covered by a general keyword search, a keyword search also finds text in 245 $c.

Question 3

I have the LC call number of a book. Which search index shall I choose?

A. LC Call Number B. Permanent call numberC. either option will work


Select search index Permanent call number to retrieve call numbers assigned in holding records (field 852).

This is a big point of confusion and almost trick question! Don't be lured in by the search index LC Call Number, which seems like the obvious choice but which retrieves value(s) from bib records (MARC 050, 055, and 090). The true call number we stick onto the spine of a book is stored in its holding record.

Specifically,  LC Call Number indexes only the subfield a of 050, 090, etc. in bib records. In other words, it will find LC Classification number (stored in 050$a), but not the cutter number part (stored in 050$b). 

Search Index


LC Call Number

050 a

055 a (if indicator 2 = 0-5)

090 a

Permanent Call Number

852 k,h,i,j,l,m

Question 4

Two of the search indexes available for a Physical titles search are Call Number Prefix and Call Number Suffix. Which MARC field is Call Number Prefix searching?

A. 852 $kB. 852 $mC. It is not indexed

A - 852 subfield k


Search Index

852 k,h,i,j,l,m

Permanent Call Number

852 m

Call Number Suffix

The search index Call Number Prefix is not specified in MARC 21 Search Indexes tables; Suffix is.

However, by the definition of MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data, Prefix should haven been taken from 852 $k, which stores shelving location previously recorded in $c in Voyager.

Examples of 852 $k value: Oversize, NR Chinese, Manuscripts, Toys

852$m Call Number Suffix is currently not utilized at PUL.

Question 5

Which MARC field(s) does Permanent Physical Location search?

A. 852 $aB. 852 $bC. 852 $c

C - 852 subfield c


Search Index

852 b


852 c

Permanent Physical Location

See also Holdings 852 subfields