Bibliography note (504)
Bibliography/discography notes are not often given for serials. The bibliography/discography note may pertain to all issues or a single issue of the serial. (CEG5xxp6)
504 ## $a Each vol. includes topical bibliography.
Restriction on Access note (506)
Field 506 contains information about restrictions imposed on access to the serial. Used predominately for Electronic serials. (see: Remote Access for Serials).
Summary Note (520)
Field 520 contains unformatted notes describing the scope and contents of the work. For serials, this note is limited to formal summary statements preceded. Informal summary notes are recorded in field 500. Notes that cite a related publication are recorded in field 580. (CEG5xxp19) Summary notes (520) are generally not given in records for print serials. They are sometimes found in records for children’s literature and for publications in lesser-known languages. (CCM: 13.9.6)
520 ## $a Publication is a general magazine on current political, social, and economic issues in Kenya.
520 ## $a Presents articles, crafts, puzzles, games, and other items for readers living on farms and ranches or interested in agriculture and rural life.
Reproduction Note (533)
The Reproduction Note (533) is used to describe a reproduction of a serial when the description is based on the original. Field 533 is most commonly used for reproduction microforms. (See: Serials in Microfilm)
Cumulative Index Finding Note (555)
Field 555 contains a statement of volumes and/or dates covered by cumulative indexes for a serial and a statement of location of these indexes, whether issued as part of the serial or issued separately. (CEG5xxp51)
555 8# Includes cumulative index.
555 ## Vols. 1 (1917)-10 (1944) in v. 11, no. 1.
555 ## Cumulative subject index included in each volume, -v. 29.
555 ## Vols. 1 (1931)-44 (1975). (Includes index to: Reckless Ralph's dime novel round- up.) 1 v.