Abbreviated level cataloging

Draft, Updated 2019

Items that fall into one of the following categories may be cataloged at an abbreviated level (MARC level 3):

  • Unfamiliar language. The item is in a language in which no one on the cataloging staff is competent. Typical languages in this category: Albanian, Finnish, Hungarian, Kurdish, Sanskrit, Swahili, Syriac, Urdu, etc. (list is not exclusive).
  • Formats that cannot be read by equipment in Firestone (e.g., Beta, 8-track cartridges, etc.). Catalogers should seek substitutes, such as information from the container or Internet, before using abbreviated level cataloging.
  • Other categories, such as ephemera, etc. To be decided by a supervisor.

Variations from full-level cataloging:

  • Subject cataloging: Provide minimal subject analysis, even to the point of supplying a single, unsubdivided heading (e.g., Albania).
  • NACO: Forego establishing headings in totally unfamiliar languages. Use cataloger's judgment in other languages, but establish only personal names.
  • 1xx/7xx entries: Use cataloger's judgment, keeping in mind important access points, but generally restrict such headings to one (1xx or 7xx if a title main entry).
  • Series: Do not establish. Add to bibliographic record only if the form can be determined reliably (enter as 490 0). Otherwise ignore.
  • Other descriptive cataloging: In 245, do your best, based on typography, etc. If it is impossible to determine what is a title, subtitle, statement of responsibility, etc., simply enter an unpunctuated string of words. (Reference works can be consulted to determine articles.) In 264, it should be possible to distinguish between places and publishers; keyword searching may help.