Serial holdings fields

For some basic information about holdings records in Alma, see this page: Holdings. See below for additional holdings record fields that are specific to serials.

All print serials should include an 852 field with location and call number information, and an 866 summary of holdings; all newly cataloged print serials should also include a Designator note. The other fields are added as applicable in the following order:

852 indicators: zero, blank (use 8 instead of 0 if a non-LC call number)
subfields b & c = library and location code (see: Location Names and Codes )
subfields h & i = call number
subfield k = Oversize note
866 indicators: blank, zero for all
subfield a = summary of holdings
subfield z = LACKS note
subfield x = DESIGNATOR note
subfield x = other non-public notes
subfield z = other public notes
868 indicators: blank, zero
subfield a =cumulative index note

The summary of holdings includes all the bound/permanently added volumes of the serial, but not any unbound issues shelved in a temporary location before binding.

In most cases, the only fields updated in the adding process are the summary of holdings (866a) and, if applicable, the LACKS note. If notes are present, they may contain information that is important to consult before proceeding with adding.

If issues of a title are being added for the first time (the 866a field says “NO BOUND HOLDINGS”) the holdings statement will need to be constructed. If in doubt, consult the SeERs Team. Generally, the 866a takes this form:

First issue vol., no. (first issue date)-last issue vol., no. (last issue date)

See examples and variations below.

The form for the summary of holdings varies greatly, as publishers have many different systems of numbering/dating issues. All designators, months, and seasons should be given in the main language of the serial, and may be abbreviated following AACR2. Capitalization and punctuation differ according to language, although the first word in the field is always capitalized. English seasons are not capitalized.

Vernacular designators: Designators
Month abbreviations in various languages: Months
Seasons in various languages: Seasons

Roman numerals are generally converted to Arabic form. A diagonal slash indicates numbers or dates that were published combined.

866 field examples:

866 _0 $$a Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1986)-vol. 26, no. 12 (Dec. 2011)

866 _0 $$a No. 36 (Apr. 2008)-no. 42 (June 2012)

866 _0 $$a 1984-2001

866 _0 $$a 1921/22-1958/59

866 _0 $$a 1998, no. 1-2012, no. 6

866 _0 $$a 17. Jahrg., Heft 7/8 (Juli/Aug. 1969)-17. Jahrg., Heft 12 (Dez. 1969)

866 _0 $$a No 121 (janv. 1971)-no 211 (juin 2003)

Parallel numbering system following an equals sign:

866 _0 $$a Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1986)-vol. 26, no. 12 (Dec. 2011) = no. 1-no. 192

New series numbering following space, semicolon, space:

866 _0 $$a Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1955)-vol. 12, no. 4 (winter 1966) ; new ser., vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1968)-new ser., vol. 30, no. 6 (Dec. 1997)

Designators are not supplied if they don’t appear on the pieces:

866 _0 $$a 1 (Sept. 1976)-4 (June 1980)

866 _0 $$a 1976, 1-2008, 8

If there is no date designation, the date of publication may be included in this form:

866 _0 $$a No. 36 (published in 2008)-no. 42 (published in 2012)

When adding, the holdings summary statement (866a) should be updated to reflect the new additions. Generally, the established pattern should be followed, but not if that numbering system can no longer be found on the pieces. Significant numbering changes may require a bibliographic adjustment; refer to a serials cataloger before proceeding.

Many serials have partial holdings in a Recap location, and whether a newer or an older run of volumes has been recapped varies. If unsure where the new item should be added, check the 866 holdings statements for both locations. In general, new units will be added to the location with the most recent holdings.

Note that the data before and after the hyphen need not be perfectly symmetrical. Slight changes over time in the way the publisher has numbered pieces may result in a holdings statement like this:

866 _0 $$a Vol. 1, no. 1 (1986)-vol. 26, issue 11/12 (Nov./Dec. 2011)
(“no.” changed to “issue”, months added to date designation, combined issue)

Supplements are not specifically noted on the holdings record, unless the Library holds only the supplement without the issue/vol. it belongs with.

Annual indexes are not specifically noted on the holdings record. Cumulative indexes are noted in an 868 field, but also require a bibliographic record adjustment; refer to a serials cataloger/SeERs Team.

Sometimes the most recent bound volume of a serial is shelved in one location, then transferred to a permanent location when superseded. In these cases, the holdings are maintained on the holdings record for the permanent location, though the item will be attached to the Current Volume location.

Issues missing from a run may be noted in either of two ways: with a gap in the holdings statement, or with a LACKS note. Generally, use the former for large gaps and the latter for scattered missing issues. Avoid overly complex holdings statements that may confuse users:

866 _0 $$a Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1986)-vol. 26, no. 12 (Dec. 2011)
866 _0 $$z LACKS: v. 8, no. 9; v. 21, no. 1

866 _0 $$a No. 36 (Apr. 2008)-no. 42 (June 2012)
866 _0 $$a LACKS: no. 39

866 _0 $$a 1984-1988; 1999-2001

Information about Current Issues and Current Volume notes is available here.

When adding Current Issues notes, copy from the list here.

Example: multiple 866/868 fields in preferred order:

866 _0 $$a Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1953)-vol. 71, no. 4 (Dec. 2023)
866 _0 $$z LACKS: v. 3, no. 3; v. 28, no. 1-2
866 _0 $$z CURRENT ISSUES IN: Periodicals Collection (PR). Firestone
866 _0 $$x DESIGNATOR: vol.
866 _0 $$x Watch out for possible title change in 2024
866 _0 $$z Special issues are cataloged separately
868 _0 $$a Index, v. 1/50