LSC Priorities for 2024

LSC Priorities for 2024

LSC (Library Strategy Council) and LAT (Library Administration Team) recently reviewed the Library’s 2023 priorities in support of the Library’s North Star Statements. It was clear that considerable progress had been made on a number of priorities, others needed to be refined, and new priorities introduced. Therefore, below please find the agreed priorities for 2024. We hope they will encourage discussion in each team, unit, department, and division across the Library.

As with 2023 priorities, the following priorities are neither prescriptive nor are they the only topics that LSC and LAT will explore and move forward. However, this list will give a sense of the issues with which LSC and LAT are currently engaged, which we will revisit regularly, and about which you should hear more. Please do not hesitate to contact your member of LSC if you have any questions. 


  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) - develop themes and recommendations from the qualitative data analysis of the large-scale 2023 DEI Listening Tour Sessions with PUL staff to advance data-driven DEI decisions for PUL. Share results (themes and recommendations) with all PUL staff in “Town Hall” style with Q&A forthcoming in Spring 2024. Implement strategic recommendations.

  • Strategic workforce planning - build operational capacity to be agile and sustainable, paying particular attention to our working environment, succession planning, professional development, and reskilling as appropriate.

  • Library’s role in support of mental health - continue and build on ongoing work in collaboration with campus partners to support the mental well-being of undergraduate and graduate students and continue highlighting resources and training available for Library staff in partnership with HR.

  • Data and metrics development - develop and implement methods to determine, collect, and analyze key metrics across all Library operations to inform future decisions, policies, and financial planning. Areas of study should include the effectiveness and sustainability of space, websites, services, and collections.

  • Advance and support interdisciplinary research - collaborate with faculty and University partners to advance and support interdisciplinary research opportunities and initiatives. Develop and highlight the Library’s research infrastructure and support, including providing data services and resources that promote open, reproducible research.

  • Space and resource planning - engage in ongoing planning for updates to 693 Alexander Road, the move of Marquand Art Library to its co-location with the Art Museum, and updates to vacated spaces in Firestone Library. Begin planning for services for the newly constructed Commons Library.

  • Discovery - develop a discovery strategy that focuses on comprehensive access to the Library’s expanding services, programs, and content.