Applications / Services to Sunset

Note: this is a list of applications and services that Library IT would like to retire, but many of them will continue in operation for the foreseeable future until replacement services have been established in consultation with stakeholders.

Application / Service / ServerAssociated Applications / Services / ServersStatus

Was going to be decommissioned after the move to ASpace.
Datasets migrated to ICPSR. Literature database being moved to Zotero.

PULFA + findingaids-dev + findingaidstest (libserv32)

Findingaids-dev (libserv20) can start decommissioning after 15 April 2021. Wait (6months?) for PULFA from the Pulfalight Operations Working Group (libserv35)

PUDL + PUDL test

lib-rubyprodthe last application has been moved off

can decommission as of 02 Sept 2021


Migrate all IIIF image services to iiif-cloud

Libserv64 (SC digitized content)

Solr 7 

Legacy databases (MariaDB / Postgres 10 / MySQL)

move all to virtual clusters 
Matomo Orangelight

This should be easy to retire once we have time to make sure historical data is retained for Orangelight.


From Kevin Reiss - "There is historic web usage data for OL and Dpul on it. Do we have desire to keep this at scale? I don't think it is of much value. Perhaps we generate a top level report of usage for each year and decide that is enough." 

Uses 250 GB of disk space


Migrate all IIIF image services to iiif-cloud
  • Meridian
  • SFX
Tentative date for decommissioning 01 Oct 2021

Post July 2021. Current recommendation is to keep for 3 months after go live. 


VoyagerTentative date for decommissioning 01 Oct 2021

Post July 2021
SFX VoyagerIn Production - Tentative date for decommissioning 01 Oct 2021

Post July 2021. Current recommendation is to keep for 3 months after go live. 

Collection Space

Turned off

Was used for Conservation & Preservation (?)

legacy static web content for SC and EAL

Former finding aids and PDFs from past "digital projects". - move to lib-static server.

Kim is reviewing the content with stakeholders. DRDS team will move anything flagged as a going concern from to lib-static when we get through the inventory review. It’s all pdfs, jpegs, and html

Check version of ubuntu on server. Otherwise can stay as is until SC website is radically rethought. 
libserv11previous ReCAP production serverPhilippe will start the decommission process on 05 April 2021

libserv43Solaris server running ArielPhilippe will start the decommission process on 05 April 2021

old document delivery system which was migrated from perl to php
libserv51ldap kludge to access Voyager and BorrowDirectPhilippe will start the decommission process on 05 April 2021

libserv55/libweb2Holds legacy SC contentPhilippe will start the decommission process on 05 April 2021

liphp-prod/libphp-dev applications

  • Video Reserves Database
  • Pufla Help Form (Can be taken down when pulfa is sunset after pulfalight)
  • Omeka/mediawiki transcription
  • Front-end to Council of Foreign Relations mp3 files
  • EAL Apps (Tom Ventigmilia)

Video Reserves Database

Staff admin interface for digitized films used in reserves. Also provides user facing "viewer" for video content.In Production

Migrate to figgy eventually????
Pufla Help Form

Can be taken down when pulfa is sunset after pulfalight

Front-end to Council of Foreign Relations mp3 files

In production

Merge "guestbook" into pulfalight. Check with SC admin on any policies/donor commitments.
EAL Apps

EAL Apps (Tom Ventigmilia)

  • Supplemental catalog (?)
  • Firestone Lockers and Carrels Database
  • Access Office MDB
  • Old Reserve System MDB+PDFs
  • Preservation Tracking Application 
  • MASC

Supplemental catalog

Should be replaced by Figgy and/or DPUL

Firestone Lockers and Carrels Database

Access Office MDB

Old Reserve System MDB+PDFsthink these files are on DBserver

Preservation Tracking Application

Will be replaced by a new collection management system (Collector Systems, CollectionSpace, etc.)

Read only SC, should be replaced by ArchiveSpace in early 2021

Read only Archive
Omeka/Mediawiki Classroom Transcription App
No longer in use

Will archive code and mysql dumps of the databases for this applications. 
Image Browser (Legacy)

GetitSFX, is a front-end for the SFX APIIn production, deprecate after alma go live. Tentative shut down date 10/1/2021 along with Voyager, SFX, Meridian. 

Open Source application, limited user base. Installed version at PUL is Rails 4. 
Graphic Arts Database (Legacy)

Firestone Book Locator

Ref Tracker Circ Desk Stats
? Is this still being used?

Check with Tracy if we still pay for this and Joan if we still use this


Audit the list of physical servers to see if anything should be added to this list.