Stackmap at PUL

Stackmap at PUL

Stackmap public URL: https://princeton.stackmap.com/explore/

Product URL: https://www.stackmap.io/

Stackmap is a hosted service that serves two purposes:

  1. Provide general floorplans that allow users to browse through our Library spaces by places and subjects.
  2. Allow catalog users to locate the specific shelf location of items in circulating Library spaces. This service is embedded in https://catalog.princeton.edu/.

Individual Libraries

Managing Stackmap

Each library location has designated stackmap administrators who sign into the system using their own username/password credentials. To obtain an account contact lsupport@princeton.edu.

To access stackmap's admin console login at: https://princeton.stackmap.com/account/login/ 

Getting Help with Stackmap

  1. Online Documentation:
  2. Reach out to lsupport@princeton.edu for basic questions.
  3. Troy Scott at stackmap can be contacted directly at: troy@stackmap.com

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