The Metadata Editor: Orientation

Can you get all the quiz questions below right? If not, this 8-minute orientation video will be worth your time. It is a quick introduction to the Metadata Editor, the principal cataloging tool in Alma.

You may get the most out of this video if you -

  • Watch at your own pace, ready to pause whenever you need
  • Open a web browser to the Alma homepage (how to log in) and follow along the steps
  • Jot down questions that occur to you and bring them to real-time training sessions

Pre-training feedback

Share at least one question, comment, or observation via this form (Closed 07/08/2021. Please share your questions from the FAQ page). Your colleagues in the Alma implementation team will use your questions for two important purposes -

  • Enrich the content of Alma documentation and FAQ
  • Align the content of synchronous training with staff information needs

You can submit your feedback all at once, or separately each time you finish a video. The form will stay open until the start of synchronous training.


1) Metadata Editor (MDE) is the editor for bib, holding, and item records. True or False?


Not entirely true. Bib and holding records are edited in MDE. Item records are edited in a separate Physical Item Editor.

2) Where is the icon for the Metadata Editor located?


The icon for the MDE is located in the lower-left corner of the Alma window.

Alternatively, look for the icon for Resources  in the left column of the Alma homepage, and following the link Open Metadata Editor.

3) What is the keyboard shortcut to entering and exiting MDE?


The keyboard shortcut Alt + M toggles between showing and hiding the MDE.

4) What does the subfield delimiter look like?


The subfield delimiter in MDE shows as $$ - double dollar sign. (You input a delimiter with the F9 key just like in Voyager.)

5) How do I maximize the view of a record for editing?


Press the double less-than sign  on the bottom of the Left Pane of the MDE to collapse the records list. This maximizes the Main Pane, i.e., your working area for editing a record.

6) I must open a bib in the MDE first before I can edit its holding or item records. True or False?



Alternatively you can follow the hyperlinked Holdings or Items in search results (Search view) to bring them into editors, bypassing the bib records.

7) I have a bib record open in the MDE. I need to switch to a holdings record I have brought in earlier but don't see it listed. What do I do? [hint: check the sub-tab]


You can't see it because bib and holdings records are organized under separate sub-tabs. Click on the correct sub-tab first.

tabs and sub-tabs in records list of the Left Pane of the MDE

The Left Pane of MDE also has tabs and sub-tabs for the lists of templates, normalization rules, merge rules, etc. Make a habit of checking tabs and sub-tabs - those that are highlighted or in color are the active list you are viewing.

If the list of record doesn't seem to be responding to mouse clicks, click Refresh List (icon no. 6).

8) What is the keyboard shortcut for saving a record?


The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S saves a record to Princeton's repository.

If you are done with a record, Ctrl + Alt + S saves it to Princeton's repository and releases the record from MDE in one step, akin to Save to DB and Close (Ctrl + Q) in Voyager.

9) The record displays a bib ID (MMS ID). It must have been saved in Princeton's repository. True or False?


False. A newly created bib has an MMS ID showing in the Left Pane (records list) and the upper-bar of the record in the Main Pane, even though it has never been saved.

 A newly created bib, though unsaved, shows an MMS ID

Upon Save Record a new field 001 with the MMS ID will be added to the record, and that's when the record enters Princeton's repository.

10) How do I verify if a bib record is in Princeton's repository or not?


Check for the presence or absence of the badge New in the record header. In addition, you can select the menu option View in Search to see the current version of the record that has been saved to Princeton's repository.

If the menu option -

View Related Data > View in Search

is gray and not clickable, the record exists only in your MDE and is not in Princeton's repository yet.

After you press Ctrl+S to save the record, the MMS ID string will show up in the 001 field. The record is now in Princeton's repository. The menu option -

View Related Data > View in Search

is operable and offers you a one-click shortcut to check how the record looks like in Search view. It is equivalent to the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt +V.

11) I can search for WorldCat records within MDE and import them. I will not need to use Connexion Client. True or False?


Yes and no.

You can import a WorldCat record via Search Resources in MDE. However, the recommended practice is to search for the best WorldCat record in Connexion Client, copy its control number into MDE, and retrieve the record, as opposed to constructing searches within MDE.

Topics covered in the video

  • Logging into Alma
  • Launching the Metadata Editor (MDE)
  • The basic layout of the MDE window
  • How the records list is organized in the Left Pane
  • Creating a new record from the default template
  • Bringing one or more records from Princeton’s repository into the MDE
  • Viewing and opening holding records in the MDE
  • Retrieving a record from OCLC to overlay a local bib ("Copy & Merge")
  • Menu option: Save Record & View in Search
  • A quick look at item records

In addition to bib and holding records, the Metadata Editor is also the working space for managing Templates and Rules, which are not covered in this orientation.


Metadata Editor (MDE)

Import OCLC Records Into Alma