Teaching Research Steering Group


Approved by LAT - March 2023


In support of PUL’s mission to “enrich teaching and learning,” the Teaching Research Steering Group (TRSG) will propose, suggest and possibly implement teaching techniques and tools in support of the Library’s mission and North Star statements. This charge will be reviewed on a yearly basis.

To fulfill this mission, the group will:

  1. Host Community of Practice sessions on any aspect of library teaching, pedagogy, and assessment for new and existing librarians/subject specialists in collaboration with the Teaching Affinity Group.
  2. Continue to strengthen relationships with campus stakeholders as well as other Library committees and groups.
  3. Review how reference interactions/consultations (both in-person and virtual) reveal and inform both teaching needs and techniques.
  4. Continuously publicize and refine the “Teaching Toolkit” 
  5. Engage in dialog with peer institutions (Ivy Plus) and related groups, e.g. ACRL’s Undergraduate Librarian’s Discussion Group) to gather new ideas for teaching research and generally reaching out to our constituents.

The action items below connect directly with North Star Statements #1, 2 and 6.

Communication Expectations

INTERNAL (among steering group members)

  • Slack and email
  • Internal Libguide
  • Google Suite/Team Drive

EXTERNAL (among librarians, administration, and campus)

  • Report to LAT / LSC on a regular basis.
  • Workshops, Community of Practice Discussions, etc.
  • We will use a dedicated LibGuide to share teaching materials, meeting agendas/notes, and other pertinent information.
  • Communicate announcements to librarians and other campus offices (e.g., Writing Program, McGraw) via email.
  • Anyone can contribute suggestions and ideas to the group via an email to any of the members.


We aim to have 5-7 members at any given time, with rotation every 2 years.  Members can renew their appointment for one additional term. Supervisor approval is needed to join the steering committee.

LSC Sponsor: Wind Cowles

Members for 2023:

Kelee Pacion (Chair), DaRTS

Rebecca Friedman, SDC

Thomas Keenan, CAS

Gabriel Swift, SDC

Anu Vedantham, (ex officio), DaRTS

Audrey Welber, DaRTS

Meeting/Project Schedule 

The TRSG will meet at least once a quarter with agendas shared in advance. Meetings may be canceled if the agenda is not time sensitive. Meeting notes will be maintained within the group, with summaries shared more broadly by request via Confluence.