Summer Research Village (SRV)

Launched in 2023, the Summer Research & Learning Village provides all undergraduates on campus during the summer an opportunity to live in one, proximate community and share a common physical, intellectual, and social environment. Organized by the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) - with Pascale Poussart and Caitlin Larracey as key organizers, the SRV has requested a few library workshops to be scheduled this summer.

Questions? Please contact Anuradha Vedantham (Unlicensed) or Jennifer Grayburn 

Library Process

Please schedule your workshops as per normal procedures on the LibCal Workshops Calendar. OLC Staff will review the listing and transfer it to MyPrincetonU using the #Summer Village tag that will aggregate the reservations for the common SRV calendar. Programs designed for the SRV should be listed on the MyPU platform for registrations, if possible.

(Programs designed for broader audiences or hybrid programs may need to stay on LibCal for registrations with a link back from the MyPU aggregation for the summer village tag. If you are teaching a public workshop this summer and do NOT want it available to the SRV participants, please let Stephanie Oster know when you submit the event on LibCal.)

Ideal workshop timing: June 5 through August 6.


Estimated total: 800 – 875 undergraduate students on campus
Across 54+ Princeton-sponsored programs, departments, and campus units
Roughly 80% Princeton undergraduates and 20% visiting undergraduates


MEANINGFUL: Foster a vibrant community of students
INCLUSIVE: Open to either all undergraduates on campus this summer (including PU-enrolled and visiting undergrads), all residential undergraduates (living in village), or for broad affiliated group
WELCOMING: Cater to visiting undergraduates who are not familiar with campus 
COMPLEMENTARY: Add to (not duplicate) daytime program-specific offerings 

Space Reservations

Workshops can be held in regular library teaching spaces, on Zoom, or in-person in rooms available at the Yeh and NCW residential colleges.

Space reservation process for Residential College rooms

Go to EMS Web App

Click on ‘Welcome, Guest’ message in the top right corner and click ‘Sign In’


For village spaces, search for:

  • Aliya Kanji Hall (2 seminar rooms, 20 cap) (NCW)
  • Grousbeck Hall (2 seminar rooms (20 cap ea) and C039 Private Dining Room (20 cap)(Yeh)
  • Hariri Hall (Choi Glass Box Theatre) (Yeh)
  • Kwanza Jones Hall (C030 Private Dining Room) (20 cap) (NCW)

June: Mostly available

July: Space is tight

  • C039 PDR available all day on Wednesdays
  • C030 PDR available all day Tuesdays (except over lunch) (to be confirmed)
  • Three seminar rooms available all day on Fridays
  • Two seminar rooms available all day on Tuesdays (except b/w 10 - 12:30 pm)
  • Two seminar rooms available Tue/Thu all day except b/w 7-10 pm

Questions? Contact CES: 

  • Michelle Horgan 8-6116, horgan@
  • Neeta Bauer 8-1286, nkbauer@
  • Serena Thompson 8-1724, st9443@