PUL Student Employment Policy

Purpose: The PUL Student Employment Policy aims to ensure that library resources allocated to student labor are leveraged appropriately across the Library. Student employees play an essential role in providing key services, and library jobs provide them with opportunities for meaningful employment that help advance the Library’s mission. 

When is it appropriate to hire a student employee?

The Library should use student employees to staff service points and to provide essential services outside of regular business hours and full-time staff cannot assume the post (i.e., nights and weekends). Student workers should not be hired to do the work of library staff. If areas are relying too heavily on student workers to deliver services, library leadership may consider if a reallocation of human resources would be more appropriate, particularly if the need is determined to be permanent.

Positions to support projects that require special subject or language expertise may also be considered when funding is available and the project helps further the library’s mission. This type of work may also help students develop professionally and build their resume. Approval from the cost center manager, the department’s LSC representative, and the Student Employment Office is required for these roles.

Types of University Library Employment:

Student Assistant Worker 1

Positions require little to no prior experience.  Work is structured, with a high level of supervision.

Student Assistant Worker 2 

Positions normally require one or more years of experience.  Moderate application of technical knowledge or independent decision-making may be required.  Jobs entailing extensive physical exertion or adverse working conditions are also included in this classification.

Student Manager 

Positions normally require two or more years of experience or related coursework. They may include peer instruction or supervision and require a high level of independent decision-making.

Project Worker

Custom-grade positions require the highest level of independent decision-making and expertise.  They must include multiple proficiencies or responsibilities exceeding those of the Student Manager role. These should be used on a limited basis.

Library Departmental Approval Process and Workforce Planning

As part of the annual budget planning process, student employment plans should be submitted to the department’s LSC representative using the Student Employment Plan Template. Plans must include an estimate of the number of students, hours, and approximate total annual financial commitments.

All student employment positions must be requested, reviewed, and approved by the Library budget manager in accordance with the transaction authority levels (link) prior to posting available positions.  Additional approval processes (at least for the I-9, etc) are outlined at Prior to Working | Princeton University Admission

Work Hours and Conditions

  1. The maximum number of hours per week for undergraduate students is 40 for US Citizens/Permanent student residents and 20 for international students who have completed their I-9 during term time.  International students may work up to 40 hours per week during breaks in the academic calendar (fall recess, Thanksgiving recess, wintersession, spring recess, and summer vacation).

  1. Graduate students are limited to an average of 10 additional hours per week over the course of a term (fall, spring, summer). Additional graduate school policy details can be found on the Graduate School’s Employment page.

Selection and Hiring Process

Positions will be posted through the JobX/TimesheetX portal.  Interested students should apply for positions and undergo interviews as required by the hiring department.

Hiring decisions will be based on qualifications, skills, and departmental needs.

Finally, technical documentation for how to hire students can be found on the Student Employment JobX page. 

Supervision and Evaluation

Student employees will report to a designated supervisor within their respective Library departments. Supervisors will provide regular feedback to students regarding their performance and should document performance concerns to determine whether employment should be continued or renewed.

Ethical and Professional Conduct

Student employees are expected to adhere to the University’s professional standards. Any misconduct or violations may result in termination of employment.