PULFA - Sunsetting Evaluation
PULFA - Sunsetting Evaluation
Evaluation for sunsetting PULFA.
- Identify the Product Owner(s) for the system.
Faith Charlton, Christa Cleeton - Define the service that is being considered for sunsetting.
PULFA is the discovery portal for Princeton University Library Special Collections Finding Aids. This service has been replaced in production (see 6. on this list). - Determine who is still using this service.
Special Collections, Library IT for troubleshooting the new service (ie, comparing search behavior in PULFA to PULFAlight).
Researchers communicating expected behavior in the new application when working with Special Collections. - Determine what other services integrate with or depend on this service.
- Figgy
- Syncing DAOs to Finding Aids EAD
- Note: This is turned off.
- Syncing Finding Aids metadata to Figgy objects based on container source metadata IDs
- Note: Syncing is happening from Pulfalight now.
- Virtual Reading Room OARSC viewer
- Note: No dependencies on PULFA.
- Bento Search
- “Finding Aids” bento search relies on PULFA search index to return search results.
- Note: No longer true.
- EAD SVN service
- Versioned EAD XML using SVN
- Note: PULFA depended on this for updated EAD content; no longer needed.
- ArchiveGrid
- https://github.com/pulibrary/pulfalight/issues/786
- Note: this is done; ArchiveGrid is supported with the PACSCL integration feature; see our content in ArchiveGrid https://researchworks.oclc.org/archivegrid/?q=contributor:462&sort=title_sort+asc
- PACSCL Finding Aids
- Note: This is done.
- CFR Audio Recordings Guestbook
- https://github.com/pulibrary/figgy/issues/4317
- Note: We plan to add a click-through agreement feature, but haven't yet. For the immediate access to the collection, we can use OARSC in Figgy to provide access.
- Offline finding aids
- Note: This has likely been subsumed by OARSC/VRR; checking with Special Collections to confirm.
- Kaltura
- There used to be manuscripts content in there.
- Note: We can keep linking to Kaltura for the time being; all video content in Kaltura will ultimately need to be migrated, but this is not a PULFA integration.
- Special Collections is reviewing the handful of ARK links to PUDL: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10Th-3YE4GeOv3nlMaA4WufalreSLQ-ZjOqNUQkGXUNM/edit#gid=0
- Does this service need a successor service?
PULFA represents a vital service of PUL. A successor service, PULFAlight, has been developed and is available at the production URL here. - Develop successor service(s).
This service has been replaced in production with PULFAlight, an Arclight-based Finding Aids application. This transition was done in coordination with the launch of ArchivesSpace as PUL’s archival information management platform, and data source for PULFAlight. - Transition service dependencies as appropriate to successor services or other systems.
- Are there any critical issues that should influence the decommissioning schedule (ie, end-of-life software, license expiration for a service we hope to retire, etc)
- None
- How does the decommissioning process impact staff? Are there previously-set project deadlines or training needs that need to be considered?
- Decommissioning PULFA will remove the staff’s tool for troubleshooting between the old system and the new system.
- Decommissioning PULFA will remove the staff’s tool for troubleshooting between the old system and the new system.
- Are there any critical issues that should influence the decommissioning schedule (ie, end-of-life software, license expiration for a service we hope to retire, etc)
- Determine an appropriate backup/restore strategy.
No backup steps required. Unless we have a perfect image of the server or the actual physical server itself, we probably wouldn't be able to get it back up. All of the necessary data has been migrated to other services. - Execute the decommissioning process.
To be completed at a later date. - Record statistics for services sunset, including infrastructure that has been reclaimed and/or decommissioned.
To be added when the service is decommissioned.
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