Archival Master File Optical capture resolutionBit depthEmbedded color/gray profileNotesProduction Master File FormatDerivative File Format (AV only)

*Image specs optimized for OCR

Printed computer documentsUncompressed TIFF v.6300-400 PPI8/24Adobe RGB (1998)/Gray Gamma 2.2Size of text should be considered when determining resolution

JPEG 2000 (see recipes

Tiled multi-resolution TIFF (Pyramidal TIFF)

Typed documentsUncompressed TIFF v.6300-400 PPI8/24Adobe RGB (1998)/Gray Gamma 2.2Size of text should be considered when determining resolution
Printed publication matterUncompressed TIFF v.6300-400 PPI8/24Adobe RGB (1998)/Gray Gamma 2.2Size of text should be considered when determining resolution
Printed matter on microformUncompressed TIFF v.6*3500 PPI8Gray Gamma 2.2*Accounts for magnification ratio

Special collections on paper

Bound materialUncompressed TIFF v.6Minimum 7200 px on long axis24Adobe RGB (1998)

JPEG 2000 (see recipes

Tiled multi-resolution TIFF (Pyramidal TIFF)

Unbound materialUncompressed TIFF v.6Minimum 7200 px on long axis24Adobe RGB (1998)

PostersUncompressed TIFF v.6300 PPI, minimum 7200 px on long axis24Adobe RGB (1998)

ScrollsUncompressed TIFF v.6Minimum 7200 px on short axis24Adobe RGB (1998)

*PhotographsUncompressed TIFF v.6Minimum 7200 px on long axis24Adobe RGB (1998)*Includes prints, photogravure, lithographs, Daguerreotypes
Special collections on microformUncompressed TIFF v.6*3500 PPI8Gray Gamma 2.2*Accounts for magnification ratio

Special collections on still film

For moving image film, see Audio and Moving Images section below.

Film negatives up to 4"x5"Uncompressed TIFF v.63000 PPI8/24Adobe RGB (1998)/Gray Gamma 2.2

JPEG 2000 (see recipes

Tiled multi-resolution TIFF (Pyramidal TIFF)

Film positives up to 4"x5"Uncompressed TIFF v.63000 PPI8/24Adobe RGB (1998)/Gray Gamma 2.2

Glass negatives up to 4"x5"Uncompressed TIFF v.63000 PPI8/24Adobe RGB (1998)/Gray Gamma 2.2

Film negatives larger than 4"x5"Uncompressed TIFF v.62000 PPI8/24Adobe RGB (1998)/Gray Gamma 2.2

Film positives larger than 4"x5"Uncompressed TIFF v.62000 PPI8/24Adobe RGB (1998)/Gray Gamma 2.2

Glass negatives larger than 4"x5"Uncompressed TIFF v.62000 PPI8/24Adobe RGB (1998)/Gray Gamma 2.2


MapsUncompressed TIFF v.6400 PPI, minimum 7200 px on long axis24Adobe RGB (1998)

JPEG 2000 (see recipes

Tiled multi-resolution TIFF (Pyramidal TIFF)

Historic mapsUncompressed TIFF v.6400-600 PPI, minimum 7200 px on long axis24Adobe RGB (1998)

AtlasesUncompressed TIFF v.6400-600 PPI, minimum 7200 px on long axis24Adobe RGB (1998)

Audio and Moving Images

Audio (analog source)Broadcast Wave (BWF) wrapper;
linear PCM uncompressed
24-bit bit-depth; 96kHz sampling rate


Broadcast Wave (BWF) wrapper;
linear PCM uncompressed
16-bit bit-depth; 44.1 kHz sampling rate
MPEG Audio Layer 3 (MP3); 256Kbps bit rate; 44.1 kHz sampling rate
Audio (digital source)Broadcast Wave (BWF) wrapper; native uncompressed data at original sample rate (typically 44.1 or 48 kHz) and bit-depth (typically 16-bit) with original embedded metadata maintained

n/aMPEG Audio Layer 3 (MP3); 256Kbps bit rate; 44.1 kHz sampling rate
Video (analog source)FFV1 version 3 in Matroska (MKV) wrapper (4:2:2 YUV, 10-bit bit depth) with linear PCM uncompressed audio encoding (24-bit bit-depth; 48kHz sampling rate)

50 Mbps MPEG-2 in a 4:2:2 formatMPEG-4 H.264 video
Video (digital source)preserve original codec in Matroska (MKV) wrapper, with original embedded metadata maintained
bit depth of source

n/aMPEG-4 H.264 video
FilmDPX Wrapper
10-bit LOG; RGB 4:4:4; with uncompressed linear PCM audio encoding (24-bit bit-depth; 96kHz sampling rate)

In cases where DPX is not warranted, follow standards for analog video.QuickTime ProRes 422 HQMPEG-4 H.264 video