Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: updated to mention new 023 field for ISSN-l


The e-serial shared template in the Alma MDE includes some fields/subfields that are always required and others that are common but should be deleted if not applicable. It is meant as a starting point, not an exhaustive list; other fields/subfields may need to be added. See additional instructions for each field below. For much greater detail and many examples, see the CONSER Editing Guide and the CONSER Cataloging Manual in Cataloger's DesktopClassWeb Plus (under Cataloging Policy Documentation).


It may be easiest to fill in variable fields first and then enter the matching fixed field codes afterwards.


022    $$a $$y
Always include if available; delete if not; delete unused subfields. Do not repeat field, nor subfields subfield a or l.
Indicators: OK to leave blank.
The 022 field is for the 8-digit International Standard Serial Number (ISSN). When available this is an important identifier for a serial. Serials have separate ISSN assigned for the print and online versions.  If in any doubt about the correct one, consult the ISSN portal -- all records there will specify Medium as print or online.
Use a single 022 field with subfields coded as appropriate:
    subfield a: ISSN of the version being cataloged
        for online serials, the online ISSN 
    subfield y: incorrect ISSN
        for online serials, the print ISSN or any other incorrect ISSN:
            e.g. ISSN for an earlier title that is still appearing on the later title
            e.g. ISSN with an invalid check digit    
    subfield z: canceled ISSN (rare)
    subfield l:
The template includes the two most common subfields, a and y.
Note that subfield l is no longer valid after December 2023. It was formerly used for the ISSN-l, a linking ISSN for all versions of a serial
        usually matches , usually matching either the print or online ISSN
The template includes the two most common subfields, a and y. When subfield l is present, it follows a and precedes y. If available, the ISSN-l is now entered in field 023, first indicator 0, $$a.

040    $$a NjP $$b eng $$e rda $$c NjP
Always include. Do not repeat.
The 040 field gives information about the cataloging record's source. Above form is for an original record created by Princeton following RDA rules.
