This is a curriculum of learning materials for strategies and behaviors for leadership, collaboration, and fostering a work culture of belonging, especially in information technology, focused on values and concepts related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
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| The Standards We Choose (Video) This podcast episode describes the concept of casuistry (unsound but perceived as “clever” reasoning to get what you want), especially around hiring and professional promotion. It gives hypothetical and specific examples of this in practice, wherein people decide who they want (or certain biased standards) first, then backfill the qualifications to justify the decision. (June 2018, |
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| Verna Myers: How to overcome our biases? Walk boldly toward them (Video) The way to combat harmful biases is not to ignore them or pretend they don’t exist. Rather, the speaker suggests that we should acknowledge our biases, seek to understand them in ourselves, and lean into behaviors that will combat them. This specifically includes moving toward and getting to know people against whom we are biased, if we do so authentically and from a genuine place of wanting to be a positive force in others’ lives. (December 2014, |
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| The Enduring Grip of the Gender Pay Gap (PDF) The earnings difference between men and women is a well-known and documented fact in the US. This article by the Pew Research Center links data from research studies in order to describe and explain why women earn a lower wage than men in the same categories - focusing on education levels and parenthood - but also considering race, types of occupations, and trends in the labor market. It details historical changes from 1982 through 2022 and shows a slow-down in progress for the last 20 years. (March 2023, Pew Research Center) |
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| This article shares the results and process of a study which found that professors who believed intelligence was a static property in a student resulted in significantly lower grades for minority students than those who believed students could “grow” their intelligence. Many of the professors have tenure and weren’t choosing to give lower grades. (February 2019, Science) |
Systemic Racism
Systemic Sexism
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| Black Workers Really Do Need to Be Twice as Good (PDF) Black employees tend to receive higher levels of criticism and scrutiny from their white managers and colleagues, meaning that smaller mistakes have a bigger impact on their upward mobility at work, contributes to stress and burnout, and creates an unfair disadvantage for Black employees simply by nature of their Blackness. (October 2015, The Atlantic) |
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| Systemic Racism Explained (Video) This video provides a background of redlining and the long-term impact it continues to have, as well as a quick summary of implicit biases and the result of school funding coming from property taxes. (April 2019, Youtube - Subtitles Included) |
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| What Systemic Racism Means And The Way It Harms Communities (Audio) In this interview, Ijeoma Oluo, author of So You Want To Talk About Race, discusses what systemic racism is, how it impacts society, and what one can do to try to eliminate these practices from our systems. This resource is available as an audio file and a transcript for flexibility and accessibility. (July 2020, NPR - Transcript Included) |
Systemic Sexism
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| Interrupting Sexism at Work: What Drives Men to Interrupt or Do Nothing? (PDF) This report analyzes the reasons men respond or don't to sexism, what climates support interruption, and provides suggestions on what workplaces can do to improve. (June 25, Catalyst) |
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| Stop Telling Women They Have Imposter Syndrome (PDF) This article looks at imposter syndrome in women (emphasis on women of color but includes all women) not as an individual phenomenon, as it is typically framed, but instead as a product of systemic racism, sexism, and other biases that exist in the workplace. The takeaway is to “fix bias, not women” – leaders need to create a culture that addresses systemic racism and bias in a workplace that remains white/masculine/heteronormative. (February 2021, HBR) |
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| Why Everyone Feels Like They’re Faking It (PDF) Imposter syndrome is a more universal concept than some may know. It goes beyond self doubt and feeds on fear of being “found out.” Imposter syndrome happens more frequently when your aptitude is overestimated instead of underestimated. Imposter syndrome is also used as a way to frame systemic inequality as an individual pathology. (February 2023, New Yorker) |
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| It's Time to Break the Cycle of Female Rivalry (PDF) While women often have to battle with overpowering men in the workplace, women colleagues can also negatively impact other women co-workers. Organizations thrive when teams are diverse. Only having one woman in a division or team is not diverse. Women should champion other women to succeed instead of fighting against them. This article gives examples of how women hold back their female colleagues and gives advice on how women can empower other women in the workplace. (April 2020, HBR) |
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| Stop Using ‘Executive Presence’ as a Reason to Not Promote Women (PDF) Executive presence is used as a catch-all to represent what leaders should talk, look, and act like in such a way as to exclude women and people of color from leadership positions. (September 2022, Chief) |
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| The Enduring Grip of the Gender Pay Gap (PDF) The earnings difference between men and women is a well-known and documented fact in the US. This article by the Pew Research Center links data from research studies in order to describe and explain why women earn a lower wage than men in the same categories - focusing on education levels and parenthood - but also considering race, types of occupations, and trends in the labor market. It details historical changes from 1982 through 2022 and shows a slow-down in progress for the last 20 years. (March 2023, Pew Research) |
Social and Economic Disparities
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| Feminism and the Future of Library Discovery (PDF) This paper discusses the various ways in which the practices of libraries and librarians influence the diversity (or lack thereof) of scholarship and information access. We examine some of the cultural biases inherent in both library classification systems and newer forms of information access like Google search algorithms, and propose ways of recognizing bias and applying feminist principles in the design of information services for scholars, particularly as libraries re-invent themselves to grapple with digital collections. (April 2015, Code4Lib Journal) |
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| Women in the Workplace study: the State of Women in Corporate America (PDF) This report focuses on how the pandemic and social issues have changed what women leaders want from their companies, including more advancement opportunities, flexibility, employee well-being, and a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Women in leadership are leaving their positions at the highest rate ever because the needs mentioned above are not being met and because they are not getting promoted into leadership positions at the same rate as men. For gender equity to happen, companies need to invest more into getting women into leadership roles and retaining the women they already have by doubling down on goals, outcomes, and accountabilities for organizational change. (2022, Lean In) |
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| What’s Really Holding Women Back? (PDF) (March 2022, HBR) |
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| Belonging in the Workplace: A New Approach to Diversity and Inclusivity (PDF) This article argues that belonging, which involves a feeling of security and support where there is a sense of inclusion and identity for a member of a group, is key to creating an inclusive and positive workplace culture that values a sense of well-being and belonging for all. This involves: creating a stronger sense of community by fostering regular interactions and collaborations; making sure all employees from all groups have equal representation and voice; fostering safe, non-judgmental spaces for people to share their thoughts; and overall, establishing a sense of trust in the company's mission, vision, and leadership. |
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| Authenticity: Who You Are is Non-Negotiable (Video) Description from YouTube: "Target's Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer & Vice President of Human Resources Caroline Wanga explains why authenticity is critical for success. She shares her keys to being exactly who you are, while advancing toward senior leadership." (April 2020, |
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Kenji Yoshino: Diversity Does Not Mean Having to Choose Between Identity and Inclusion (Video + Transcript) Yoshino argues that Diversity and Inclusion in organizations often means Diversity OR Inclusion, as people find themselves “covering” or adjusting their true identities to conform to mainstream behaviors in order to be included. A study found that 45% of straight white men reported “covering” some part of their identity at work, which puts them inside rather than outside of the inclusion paradigm. This kind of paradigm shift allows for diversity and inclusion work to move forward in organizations. |