Resource | Description | Keywords | ||||||
| Belonging in the Workplace: A New Approach to Diversity and Inclusivity (PDF) This article argues that belonging, which involves a feeling of security and support where there is a sense of ... inclusion and identity ...that is fundamental to forming positive, significant, and lasting relationships,"for a member of a group, is key to creating an inclusive and positive workplace culture that values a sense of well-being and belonging for all. This involves: creating a stronger sense of community by fostering regular interactions and collaborations; making sure all employees from all groups have equal representation and voice; fostering safe, non-judgmental spaces for people to share their thoughts; and overall, establishing a sense of trust in the company's mission, vision, and leadership. |
Work/life balance
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| All of work? All of life? Reconceptualizing work-life balance for the 21st century (PDF) (Aug. 2018, Human Resource Management Journal*) |
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| This article examines how the desirable image of remote work has been challenged by the involuntary nature of working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors examine literature about remote work prior to the pandemic and review 40 empirical studies examining work-life balance during the pandemic. They use the person-environment fit theory to conclude that a fit between remote workers’ expectations and the remote work environment increases work-life balance and leads to positive professional and personal outcomes, and they recommend strategies that Human Resource professionals can use to support remote work and employee work-life balance. (Mar. 2022, Human Resource Development International*) *Note: Need to be signed in to Routledge/Taylor and Francis with NetID to access the article online |
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| 11 Harmful Types of Unconscious Bias and How to Interrupt Them (PDF) This brief blog post presents definitions of terms related to unconscious bias, and interrupting these patterns of behavior at work. (January 2020, Catalyst) |
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| Recognizing and Responding to Microaggressions at Work (PDF) This article provides definitions of behaviors at work considered microaggressions, the negative impacts on individuals at work who are subjected to this behavior, and recommendations for behaviors that leaders can adopt to respond when they see this behavior. (May 2022, HBR) |
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| How to Intervene When You Witness a Microaggression (PDF) This article covers definitions of microaggressions that people can face at work, especially women, focused on the findings of two studies. It includes information from the study and presents recommendations for ways to intervene and interrupt this behavior. (September 2022, HBR) |
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| This is a collection of letters to the Ask a Manager advice column, and responses from Michelle Silverthorn - Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, Founder & CEO of Inclusion Nation, centered around DEI topics such as interrupting discrimination at work, navigating difficult conversations about racism, and tone policing, and more. (September 2021, Ask a Manager) |
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| Calling Out Racism, Supporting a Black Manager, and Other Questions with Michelle Silverthorn (PDF) Readers of the “Ask a Manager” column, posing questions about DEI topics which are answered by Michelle Silverthorn - Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, Founder & CEO of Inclusion Nation. Topics revolve about how to have conversations in the workplace including how to support underrepresented people, how to stop harmful language, and diversity in hiring. (January 2022, Ask a Manager) |