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| The Librarians are Not OK (PDF) The author describes "passion jobs" in the context of library professions, and the ways in which these sorts of jobs are at risk for burnout, exploitation of employees, and low morale long-term, and what can be done to address this. (May 2022, SubStack) |
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| Emotional Labor and Burnout: A Review of the Literature (PDF) This article provides a breadth of research and cited articles on what burnout is, what emotional labor is, and the research that’s been done on linking the two. (March 2018, NLM) |
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| Agile Doesn't Work Without Psychological Safety (PDF) This article covers suggestions and techniques about how to enable folks to be vulnerable during the agile process. (February 2022, HBR) |
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| Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams (PDF) This article aims to test the hypothesis that psychological safety in team makes learning easier or more effective, which then improves performance. To test it they surveyed and then watched a variety of teams to see how their psychological safety affecting their learning behavior. They found that learning behavior is a strong predictor of performance, that a team’s history matters in shaping psychological safety, and that psychological safety improves learning behavior. (1999, SageJournals) |
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| Research: To Excel, Diverse Teams Need Psychological Safety (PDF) Diversity of perspectives on teams leads to innovation but can also slow down performance. Teams can only reap the benefits of a diversity of perspectives in their work if they operate with psychological safety (the ability to share ideas, make mistakes, raise concerns without fear of being called out or rejected for doing so). Leaders must foster a team environment of psychological safety, and here are some tactics to do so (including methods for creating a learning environment, enabling communication, etc). (March 2022, HBR) |
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| The Manager’s Guide to Inclusive Leadership — Small Habits That Make a Big Impact (PDF) This article contains an overview of tools and tactics that managers can use to promote inclusion and equity within their teams and throughout an organization, including methods for communication about difficult topics, and addressing microaggresions. |
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Leading in a Culture of Inclusion for Managers (Video + captions) This video provides a summary of leadership techniques that foster a culture of inclusion, including self-directed thought exercises and questions that can be used in discussion with others. (August 2020, MediaCentral) |
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| How to Speak Up as a Group at Work (PDF) This advice column contains tactics and for ways in which people can bring a shared concern up to those in a position of leadership in their teams and/or organizations. (Februray, 2018, Ask a Manager) |
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| 3 Types of Meetings — and How to Do Each One Well (PDF) The article goes over classifying “gatherings” as transactional, relational, or adaptive. It then goes on to describe how each can be executed and when you might want to hold that type of meeting. (September 2022, HBR) |
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| Womenintech: Beyond Salary Negotiation Process How To Not Lose Your Head (Video and PDF Slides) This talk at Code4Lib 2017 discusses the job seeking process from interview to acceptance with an emphasis on maintaining confidence throughout in order to get what you deserve out of a job offer. Emphasis is on learning how to know what/how to negotiate, what non-monetary benefits to keep in mind, and focusing on self-care as you go through this process. (March 2017, PDF Slides; Youtube presentation, starts at 2:05:00) |
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| Why Do Employees Quit on Their Bosses? Because They Never Get Asked These Important Questions (PDF) This article outlines an important reason why people leave their current jobs. People want to be engaged in their work, know their tasks have purpose, and want to have opportunities to learn and grow their knowledge and skill-sets. If managers are not having personal 1:1 conversations with their staff to learn project updates, discussing accomplishments, and finding learning opportunities, then staff will feel disengaged and will tend to look for other employment opportunities. (https://www.inc.com/marcel-schwantes/why-do-new-employees-quit-their-jobs-so-soon-the-e.htInc.ml) July 2017, Inc.) |
Leading by Example
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| Navigating Identity as Part of Your Leadership Practice (PDF) This article identifies concepts including identity awareness (including self awareness), code-switching, and authentic leadership. It offers strategies for fostering a culture of inclusion around individuals' identities at work. (June 2017, CRE) |
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| Care, Code, and Digital Libraries: Embracing Critical Practice in Digital Library Communities (PDF) There’s a disconnect between the people who develop digital library applications and those who use these systems. There is a large amount of care work involved in shepherding users and community members through our applications; this work needs to be built into a project’s mission and evolution as much as tech/coding work. We need communal ways of - and a greater swath of people involved in - knowing, practicing, and doing this work in order to build more inclusive applications that reflect the communities they represent. (February 2019, In the Library with the Lead Pipe) |
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| Leading with Compassion Has Research-Backed Benefits (PDF) Leading with compassion (empathy linked to actions) is beneficial not just for the colleagues receiving that compassion, but also to the person practicing compassion. This compassion needs to come from an authentic place, however if so it can help reduce burnout in oneself and one’s colleagues, contribute to employee retention in a significant way, and make for a healthier workplace and team dynamic. (February 2023, HBR) |
Fostering the Culture
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| 11 Harmful Types of Unconscious Bias and How to Interrupt Them (PDF) This brief blog post presents definitions of terms related to unconscious bias, and interrupting these patterns of behavior at work. (January 2020, Catalyst) |
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| Recognizing and Responding to Microaggressions at Work (PDF) This article provides definitions of behaviors at work considered microaggressions, the negative impacts on individuals at work who are subjected to this behavior, and recommendations for behaviors that leaders can adopt to respond when they see this behavior. (May 2022, HBR) |
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| How to Intervene When You Witness a Microaggression (PDF) This article covers definitions of microaggressions that people can face at work, especially women, focused on the findings of two studies. It includes information from the study and presents recommendations for ways to intervene and interrupt this behavior. (September 2022, HBR) |
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| This is a collection of letters to the Ask a Manager advice column, and responses from Michelle Silverthorn - Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, Founder & CEO of Inclusion Nation, centered around DEI topics such as interrupting discrimination at work, navigating difficult conversations about racism, and tone policing, and more. (September 2021, Ask a Manager) |
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| Calling Out Racism, Supporting a Black Manager, and Other Questions with Michelle Silverthorn (PDF) Readers of the “Ask a Manager” column, posing questions about DEI topics which are answered by Michelle Silverthorn - Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, Founder & CEO of Inclusion Nation. Topics revolve about how to have conversations in the workplace including how to support underrepresented people, how to stop harmful language, and diversity in hiring. (January 2022, Ask a Manager) |
Aspirational strategies
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Advocacy to Leadership
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How to Identify — and Fix — Pay Inequality at Your Company (PDF) Employee salaries are the largest part of any company’s budget. Pay inequality happens in many places, paying women and people of color less than white men. Companies should perform a Pay Equity Audit (PEA) on a regular basis, then adjust compensation accordingly in order to help alleviate inequalities in pay. The audit involves gathering clean data related to job titles, grades and duties, then analyzing this data with education, experience, and training. This audit will need to happen periodically, to avoid pay discrepancies later with staff turnover. Performing a PEA is “culturally imperative” and is becoming something to do in order to avoid litigation with new state laws. (November 2020 - HBR) |
Respectful Language
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What Are Pronouns and Why They Matter This page presents the concept of pronouns and why it is important to respect and use them. It outlines behaviors that are important like not guessing at pronouns, and the harm that is done by ignoring them. (June 2022 - Pronouns.org) |
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| Best Practices for Using Pronouns in the Workplace Pronouns are an important part of a person’s identity. Using pronouns can help with a feeling of inclusion and belonging for everyone. This resource can help one understand why and how to use pronouns as well as what to do when you misgender someone. (April 2021 - ADP) |
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Pronouns are an important part of a person’s identity. Using pronouns can help with a feeling of inclusion and belonging for everyone. This resource can help one understand why and how to use pronouns as well as what to do when you misgender someone. (October 2022 - NEA Today) |
Harmful language
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| General Principles for Reducing Bias (PDF) This article provides four principles for reducing bias when talking about people and their personal characteristics. It is supported by the inclusive language guide also from the American Psychological Association. (July 2022 - American Psychological Association) |
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| Inclusive Language Guide - Second edition (PDF) This is the American Psychological Association authored and curated language guide for writing, speaking, and educating. It contains sections with explanations of terms related to inclusion as well as harmful language and contemporary alternatives to those harmful terms. *Note this guide is long, but provides useful information on terms to avoid, why they should be avoided, and suggestions for alternative language. (2023 - American Psychological Association) |
Calls to Action
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| Systemic Racism in Higher Education This letter to Science is a call for faculty and staff of higher education to meaningfully engage in activities focused on ending systemic racism in higher ed. It provides a number of cited references to show the inequality faced by black, indigenous, and people of color. Further, it calls specifically for those members of higher education who are not BIPOC to do the work, as they hold the power. (Sept 2020 - Science) |
Topics to Discuss (These should go under General Concepts?)
Resources | Description | Keywords | ||||||
| The Difference Between Workplace Equity and Equality, and Why it Matters The conversations around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have increased. We talk often about diversity and inclusion - what about equity? What is equity and how does it differ from equality? Are they the same? This article defines both terms while explaining that equality (along with diversity and inclusion) is a step to achieve equity. It goes on to briefly give suggestions on how to reach equity in the workplace. (Aug 2019 - Forbes) |
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Challenging the Image on Equity and Equality (Oct 2018 - Medium) |