In addition to our production environment, we have a sandbox environment which we will use for targeted development and experimentation. The sandbox is a copy of our production environment, refreshed biannually (in Feb and Aug).
- Export lists of roles for users with roles differing from their prod roles (save to MEO Team Drive)
- Export allowed S/FTP connections
- Export allowed emails
- Note webhook integration profile settings
- Allowed S/FTP connections needs to be updated (config > Allowed S/FTP connections > import)
- Allowed Emails need to be restored (config > Allowed Emails > import)
- Webhook integration profile needs to updated (config > Integration Profiles)
- Ensure that lib-sftp-staging connection has been copied over from production (or recreate it using credentials in LastPass) .(config > General > S/FTP Definitions)
- Publishing profiles need to be pointed to lib-sftp-staging for the "Incremental Publishing" and "General Publishing" profiles . (Resources > Publishing Profiles)
- Alma color scheme needs to be changed to orange (prod is black) (config >
- Sandbox banner needs to be recreated (config > institution notifications)
- Elevated Permissions need to be updated (from list exported above in 'Before refresh' steps and saved to MEO Team Drive)