If you find an error in cataloging in a record in Blacklight/the Online Catalog that has a URL that begins "https://catalog.princeton.edu/catalog/SCSB", this record will not appear in Alma & therefore PUL cannot update the records. It was created by one of these libraries:
Columbia University records will have "RCP C - O" or "RCP C - S" in the bibliographic record (scroll to the bottom of the record – see this record as an example: https://catalog.princeton.edu/catalog/SCSB-3532939).
Contact issues@library.columbia.edu with the problem in the record that needs updating & the link to the record (e.g,, https://catalog.princeton.edu/catalog/SCSB-3532939)
Harvard University records will have "RCP H - O" or "RCP H - S" in the bibliographic record (scroll to the bottom of the record – see this record as an example: https://catalog.princeton.edu/catalog/SCSB-10966202).
Contact (need email address) with the problem in the record that needs updating & the link to the record (e.g., https://catalog.princeton.edu/catalog/SCSB-10966202)
New York Public Library records will have "RCP N - O" or "RCP N - S" in the bibliographic record (scroll to the bottom of the record – see this record as an example: https://catalog.princeton.edu/catalog/SCSB-8242729).
Contact gethelp@nypl.org with the problem in the record that needs updating & the link to the record (e.g., https://catalog.princeton.edu/catalog/SCSB-8242729)